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{Author's POV}
While Minsoo was waiting for the holy oven to say 'ding!', she was staring into the off t.v. She got her senses back and turned it on because, why would you even watch a black screen show? She turned the channel to the channel that plays music. Luckily, the channel was playing Chained Up by Vixx. Minsoo happily sang the song while Mingyu was trying to bake. Well, maybe not sing but screaming the song lyrics. I'd say she danced but she just jumped around throwing pillows everywhere.

"It's done!"

Mingyu screamed as he put out the hot tray of brownies. Minsoo ran to the kitchen and sniffed it.


She got a plate from the cupboard and got a slice of brownies. After a while, she ate half of it. HALF OF IT. Half of a big tray of brownies, by herself. Mingyu was staring at her. 'She needs protein' Mingyu thought.

"Hey you, I'll make veggies. You eat it okay?"

"What? Ew, no!"

Mingyu sighed but cooked the carrots anyways. Minsoo kept on eating the brownies until the tray was clean. Nothing to be seen except for crumbs. She placed the plate and tray back into the sink and walked back into the living room.

"Minsoo! Eat your carrots!"


"I know you have space for these healthy things!"

Mingyu dashed to the living room and saw Minsoo lying on the couch doing nothing. He walked to her and saw her closing her eyes but isn't sleeping. He pulled her up but she won't help. He got to the point where he actually carries her to sit upright.

"Minsoo, eat the veggies. I'll call Jeonghan."

"Pfft, I ain't scared of Jeonghan."

"Fine, I'll call Seungcheol."

"I'm not scared of him."

She crossed her arms and looked away from Mingyu. He sighed and walked to the direction of Minsoo's vision thing. He walked where Minsoo can see him.

"I'll call both of them."

"Pfft, no one can force me to eat!"

She ran into her room and just played music. She danced to it- I mean made chaos and a mess in her room. Mingyu sighed and dialed Jeonghan.


"I need you and Seungcheol-hyung to come. Minsoo needs nutrients but she won't eat the carrots. She ate a tray of brownies!"


Jeonghan hung up and dialed Seungcheol.

"Yo! Jeonghan! Whattup?

"Mingyu needs our amazing skills. Someone won't eat the veggies and they're getting unhealthy."

"I'm going to Mingyu's place."

Jeonghan hung up and got a jacket. He ran to Mingyu's house and knocked. Mingyu opened the door and smiled at them. Jeonghan walked it and saw Seungcheol already sitting down. He got up and smiled.

"Minsoo won't eat the veggies. She's in the room."

"I love forcing kids to eat the veggies."

Seungcheol smiled evilly and Jeonghan just smiled. They walked to Minsoo's room and knocked. No answer. They knocked again but nothing. Mingyu ran away and came back with keys. He unlocked the door revealing Minsoo lying down on the bed with the blankets covering her face. They tip toed and suddenly carried her to the living room.


They carried her while Mingyu ran to get the bowl of carrots. They made her sit on the couch, not able to move. Seungcheol held a carrot stick and made it move like a plane.

"Say ahhh!"

"I'm not a baby!"

Minsoo pushed the flying carrot away from her mouth. The 3 guys sighed and pouted. After a while of pouting, Jeonghan thought of an idea.

"Let's play a game. Shooting game. We start off with 20 points. We will shoot you with paper and everything you get hit, you'll need to eat a piece of carrot and remove a point. The first one to loose all the points, well, looses."

Everyone nodded and started to prepare for the soon to be war. Mingyu got the rubber bands while Seungcheol got the paper. Jeonghan and Minsoo were getting the carrots ready. They all set everything up and the game was ready to start.


Seungcheol screamed while Minsoo ran away. The guy's plans was to just attack Minsoo and not each other. Sneaky, right? Minsoo ran to Mingyu's bedroom and hid under the bed. Dusty but worth it. She hid there and got ready with her mini sling shot. Suddenly, she heard footsteps walking in the room.

"Minsoo-ah, are you here?"

Jeonghan asked as he walked around the room. Soon, the other 2 guys came and locked the door. Minsoo feared for her life and stayed quiet to avoid eating veggies. 'I know she's here. I could sense it.' Jeonghan thought to himself. They looked around and finally looked under the bed. 'Dang it.' Minsoo thought as she felt lots of mini bullets firing at her.

"Okay! Okay! Stop!"

Minsoo screamed while she prtected herself from being fired again. She groaned as she got out of the bed and glared at the 3 boys. The boy were smiling as they followed Minsoo to the living room. They all sat down and watched Minsoo grumpily eat the carrot sticks.

"And you said you weren't afraid of them."

Mingyu said while Minsoo just rolled her eyes. Jeonghan and Seungcheol just giggled. Minsoo finally finished the bowl of carrots and gave the used bowl to Mingyu.

"Yuck. It's not even sweet."

"It's not suppose to be sweet."

Seungcheol reminded while he pinched Minsoo's cheek. She groaned while Jeonghan got up and messed her hair up. She groaned even louder while the guys just giggled. Giggled, like little girls who found out their prince charming was in front of them.

"Well, we need to go. It's getting late. Eat veggies, Minsoo!"

Jeonghan shouted while he got out the door and closed it with Seungcheol following him. She sighed and looked at the time. 7 p.m.

"Woah, it's really late."

{Minsoo's POV}
I can't even believe that they forced me to eat these sticks. I didn't even like it. It's gross. I got my phone and scrolled through my instagram for a while. Mingyu-oppa joined me. He turned the t.v on and watched a basketball game play. He was jumping, screaming and cheering at the same time which annoyed me but I'll let it pass this time. I let go of phone and watched the game play. It was Mingyu's idol's team versus a random other group, I don't even know.

An hour later, the game ended with Mingyu's favorite team winning. He cheered as I sighed at his weird ways. He got up to get some water or something from the kitchen. I got my phone again, which I missed holding, and scrolled through instagram again. I got bored and tired so I decided to talk a walk outside.

"Gyu! I'm going outside for a bit!"

"Okay, be home by 9!"

I nodded as I walked out the door. Ahh, it's cold. Not too cold though, just a right temperature. I went to the nearest shop and bought some food for me to eat while I binge watch old vines or random videos I see in my youtube feed. I paid and just gave up. I'm not waiting anymore. I walked to the nearest park and sat on the bench. I opened the chips and ate it while watching the moon. The moon's not even moving that fast but I like watching it try.

hi. okay, i did not forget this time. do not get mad lol. tbh, ill try to remember because this brain isnt functioning that right xD ples save me from all le subjects in skool man. eat well because yOu nEeD yOuR nUtRiEnTs kIdS. peace✌🏻

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