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{Minsoo's POV}
I woke up, with so many freaking lights shining directly into my face. I screamed soflty like a vampire and covered my poor eyes. Once I got used to the lighting, I looked around the room. I was in a hospital? After some time, more like 3 seconds, a doctor came and and got shookinated. He bowed and I did the same then he ran outside. Well, that's a nice way to say hello. Then, all my oppas came into the room and stared at me like they just saw a ghost. I woke up, what's wrong.

"What's my name?!"

"How about me?!"

"Say my name!"

"Remember me?!"

Oh, so they think I forgot them. Why don't we set a little prank, eh? I shook my head and they were paralyzed. The were so stiff and it's like when you touch them, they break. They look like statues but must. resist. laughing. I looked beside and I spotted my phone on the small table. I quickly snatched it without anyone noticed. Thank God no one noticed. I'm such a great girl. I looked back the oppas who were still paralyzed. Mingyu-oppa came to me and was almost shookinated to death.

"You don't remember me?"

I shook my head and looked at the other guys who were still paralyzed. I bit my gum to stop myself from laughing or something. Mingyu-oppa went back and was almost shocked. Perfect moment. I got my phone and snatched a pictures of them shocked. It was a burst picture so I have maybe to choose from.

"I am framing this and of course I won't forget my stupid idiotic oppas."

I said while choosing from the lots of pictures I took. They sighed in relief while Soonyoung-oppa slapped me in the arm. He had an annoyed face and that too, I pictured it. This is the best.

"Aish, at least you didn't forget us and that's good but we wasted our vacation because of you. It's December 9 and we're going home in 2 days."

Joshua-oppa said then the akward silence begins.

"What happend?"

"Oh, you ate or someone injected poison in you that's why you were sleepy. See, Wonwoo-hyung, my theory is correct."

"You said drugs."


"My ears, Jeonghan-hyung, my poor little ears."

"Little like you Jihoon."


I facepalmed. China line also face palmed and the whole world just facepalmed. I swear if they don't change I will make them change and grow up because I can't live with these people or these people bothering me like-

"Excuse me. If I could just go Ms. Kim, I could actually say something."

"Oops, sorry."

Everyone made way for the doctor who was stuck in the middle of the fighting guys. He brushed off all that germs away and looked at me head to toe.

"I'll run a few tests then let you go. Okay, does this hurt?"

He wen't closer and started hitting me. I said I was fine and he let me go. I hate the smell of hospital. It feels like I'm about to die so I hate it. I felt the cold breeze again, it's nice.

"So, we can't waste our 2 days of vacation. What are we going do?"

"Oh! I saw this sky view online and it looks great. It's only a walking distance but we could use than van since ya'll lazy."

We all nodded and got sorted into our vans. It was only a short ride and before I know it, we were there. It looked so nature-like. It was a rocky road and there were everywhere. Then, we got reunited again.

"It says here we should get up this hill thing to see the view. It's about 15 minutes walk and it's 5:45 so, we'll get there around 6 pm."

Minghao-oppa said while leading the way. See? This is why he was my tutor when I need in my algebra test. No wonder.

"The bugs are disturbing me."





I screamed while running away from the spot. It's flying to me. Oh frik, I ran away from me. As far as possible without leaving the oppas our of my sight because if I did leave them, they'll kill me.


The guys came running to me. They were all panting because for some reason they were running to me. I'm not going anywhere. You didn't see me run.

"Why did you run away? It's just a bee. Aish, you're like Seungkwan scared of bees."

"It's because when she was kid, she got a bee sting on her cheek and it stayed for almost a month so she looked like a chipmunk."

"And she also got stinged in the garden."

I facepalmed. How did Chan even remember. How did I not react when the bee in the garden. Oh, that's because the bee was small and I didn't have time to scream. It already stinged when I opened my mouth and my mouth could only let out an 'ouch'. We were still walking to the top and it was very tiring. Soonyoung, the bragger, was pushing us to go. He was already so ahead of us. Bragging about his fitness again. Seungkwan, however, was quoting song lyrics. Motivation song lyrics. He's screaming them. Do you know how much pain my ear were since I met these guys?

"We're here! Woah, the view!"

Seungkwan went ahead with Soonyoung and stared at the view. For some reason, there were zero people. None. Just us, me and the guys. I walked towards them and looked at the view. Woah, that's nice. I sat on the bench facing the view and stared at it for a good amount of time until someone sat beside me. Chan.


"Uh, hi."

Ugh, again with the akward silence. Please talk. Someone talk. Anyone? Fine then, I'll do it.

"So, uh, Chan, what do you want for Christmas?"

"Anything but perfume because every Christmas the hyungs give me perfume. On my birthday, Christmas, it's so annoying!"

He then started ranting about his hyungs. I listen closely but then I lost track of what he was saying. I looked at him and felt my heart race. Dang it, eye contact sucks. I didn't know I was staring for too long until he stopped talking.


I said while removing him out of my sight and staring into the view.

"Hey, Mingyu-oppa, why did-"

I looked back to see nobody there. Chan was still here though but the others left. And the akwardness begins.

"I want to tell you something, Minsoo-ah."


He inhaled as I looked at him. His bangs are killing me. I don't even know how I fell for this guy. He's a jerk, a cute jerk. Now, I'm thinking nonsense.


He smiled akwardly and I tilted my head in confusion. I shooked it and inhaled.

"I don't know what the hell you said but I'll tell you something too."

He nodded and sat closer to me.

"Thank you, Lee Chan."

oh what a beautiful day!1!1!1!1 omg im so happy u know why? OH BECAUSE THERES A NEW SEASON OF *anime i watch* ON JANUARY AND IVE BEEN WAITIN oh lord okay i should stop and im going so i might not update on the usual time but okay peace✌🏻

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