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He finally left me alone. He didn't bother to look at me or bother me for the whole subject. I hated these people. Why did Mingyu force me to even meet them? Why did I agree to meet them? Why did Chan dude sit beside me? Why does fate want me to be like this?!


"Minsoo! Can you eat with us?"

"No. Bye Soonyoung-oppa."

"Aigoo, I'll tell you to Mingyu."

"Go. I don't care. I ain't scared of my brother. Bye."

I tried to run but you know /imaginary wink wink/ my stamina.

"You're eating with us. No matter what!"

I groaned and follow Soonyoung to the cafeteria. I hated that place. So noisy and unclean and ugh gross. I sat down with them with Mingyu by my left and Seokmin by my right.

"Why am I here?"

Mingyu moved over to my ears and whispered.

"You need to smile, and have friends, and laugh. I told them that you need to have friends. I also told them that you have some trust issues but didn't tell them the whole story."

"I hate you Mingyu. You didn't ask for permission?"

I sighed and he sighed and basically the whole world sighed.

"Who knows?"

"Just Soonyoung, Jihoon, Seokmin and Seungcheol. I won't tell anyone else."

I sighed more. I wanted to table flip. I wanted to smack my brother. He's so stupid to tell my secret. I don't care anymore. I never did care about anything. But wait, there's more! Now that some of them know why I'm acting like this, they're probably gonna be like 'it's okay minsoo' or something motivative.

"It's okay. You need to be happy. Just don't trust anyone and if they betray you, I'll hit them hard in the face."

Seokmin-opaa tried to comfort me. See? I know he would say that. He reached for a hug but refused. You don't know maybe he has rabies.

"I don't trust you. What if someone comes back? What if-"

"Aigoo, Minsoo, you're so stupid. Happiness!"

"I know so just leave me alone."

I walked up and left Seokmin still trying to make me happy. I ran to the garden where I should've went before. Ugh, this is why I hate humans. This is why I hate people and why I hate having friends.

I just sat there on the bench. I didn't sob though because it will look stupid. I just sat there doing nothing. After some time, I got bored so I read the book. I was about to finish the book- wait no- I finished the book. It was the saddest thing ever. Kill me, I'm crying but not so hard.

"Aish, it's okay. I cried too after the book. Yuki, she almost died-"

"I know. Ahhhhhhhh! Why did she even go in that cave?"

He sat beside and looked at the book again.

"Aish, don't worry. I heard they will make book 2"

I nodded and looked at the guy. It was Wonwoo-oppa. I heard another footsteps coming closer. Frik. Chan. My heart, why is it so fast? Why am I feeling like this. He looked at us, confused.

"It's a book, Chan. It's just really sad."

"Ah okay. Well, don't cry. I'm sure it's fine. Come, it might be bell."

I wiped my tears and nodded. I went back to 'I hate everything' mood. I walked to the classroom leaving the 2 boys behind.



I sighed and walked faster but Soonyoung-oppa caught up to me. I looked at him with an annoyed face that I do all the time. He looked worried. Oh no. What now.

"Mingyu, he got injured while basketball practice. Can you uhm, check if he's okay. He's in your house. I didn't see if it was really serious."

"Yea, okay, whatever."

"You don't care? About your brother? Ugh, your life is a mess."


I screamed at his face and ran away from him leaving him in shock. I never meant to scream at his face. I felt bad for him but nope. I don't care. He deserved it. For? For complimenting on how my life is great. I walked after I knew he was far away from me. I opened the door to see Mingyu on the couch and Soonyoung and Jihoon staring at me. Oh frik, how on earth?

"Why are you here?"

"Comforting your brother since you won't."

I opened the door wider to see the whole squad. Chan, Wonwoo, Hansol, Everyone. I walked inside and closed the door. I didn't make eye contact with any of them. I walked to my room and just sat there. I just sat there, literally, doing nothing.

"Minsoo, uhm, are you okay?"

"Nope, and leave. I don't need anyone to come ruin my life again."


"No. Leave before I kick you out of Korea, Lee Chan."

He followed as I said, well that's good. I didn't really want anyone to come to life. I wanted to be alone, in the dark. I hated people and my only wish was to stay away from them but nope. They came even closer. I keep on complaining but they won't do anything about it. Customer service?

{Chan's POV}


Mingyu-hyung wanted to know Minsoo to talk to me so that she could spill her feelings. Guess he already knew that she wasn't going to accept. I shook my head. It didn't work. I tried to ask her what's wrong but she won't listen.

"Aigoo, she's always like this. Never trusted and never loved since. I won't tell the whole story but she went through a lot. That's why she's acting all mad and stuff. Soonyoung-hyung, sorry for her screaming, I'm sure she was just stressed."

Mingyu-hyung said while massaging his injured arm. I looked at it and it doesn't look like it's from the basketball. It looked like it was done on purpose. I guess someone hit hyung too hard.

"She's gonna kill you when she finds out that you told the whole squad she has trust issues and then she will literally prepare your grave."

"Yeah, I know Seungcheol-hyung. Just leave her alone when she tells you and don't force her okay?"

Everyone went home after that discussion, even me. I didn't know that she was going through a lot. I hope I didn't maker her life worse. I wished that she would feel better. I walked home with Seungkwan-hyung.

"Hyung, why do I feel weird?"

He tilted his head. He didn't understand. I trust you Seungkwan-hyung. I'll tell you my feelings and you better not spread it like you did last time. How I felt about your new sandwhich.

"When I'm around someone, I feel weird."

"Ahh, that means you like her. The baby Chan finally liking someone?"

He smirked and I looked away. It had an akward silence and I thought about it. She is really pretty, but I don't know her that well. Maybe I could help her? Like, make her feel what happiness is. Maybe make her smile.

"I want to hangout with someone but I don't know how to make her go with me. What do girls what to do in a date, hyung?"

"I don't know, maybe some food. Oh! Make sure it's delicious. Maybe, chicken nuggets or coffee or cake will do. Maybe Mcdonalds would do also. Ask her tomorrow, to go with you after school. Try not making akward."

"I'll try hyung. Bye!"

I waved at hyung while I walk in my house. I saw my mom sleeping on the couch. I ignored, walked to my room and changed. I got ready for bed and I really thought about it. Do I?

omg im sorry XD i said i wont be updating that much but look at me! lol, i just thought of being the reader and just reading 2 chapters. thats just boring so here, have another one lol  have a nice day/night/morning/afternoon

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