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We both arrived to 'school' and we walked together to go to our classrooms. I have no mood, no energy, I was sad and confused. I don't know what to do and I don't want to do anything. Can't I just be a rock?

"Minsoo! You okay?"

Chan came screaming when I step into the room. He almost hugged me but remembered my saying. 'Please don't touch me.' I'm so proud of him. Growing up through my rules. /wipes fake tear/

"Yeah, just have a runny nose."

I sat down on my chair and did nothing. I just sat there staring to my phone and playing games. I was bored until the teacher came which made everything double the boredom. Can the teachers at least teach us something that'll be useful for the real world like karate or somethin?

I drawed to pass the time. I drawed a boy and girl with a wall between them. I don't know why but I drew it. Then, rain started, it was hard and thunder was there with its best friend, lightning. A few girly and attention-wanting screams were heard. I just bit my cheek hoping not to scream and cry like a pig. I hate thunder but love the rain. I know, I'm confusing right? The bell rang for lunch and I got my food. I walked up and out the classroom until something reminded me.

"You're going to have to eat in the cafeteria, Minsoo! Stupid! The garden is probably wet and it's raining there. Now go to the cafeteria!"

My brain said to me. I didn't want to eat in the cafeteria because it was unsanitary and noisy and smelly. It was a place of stupidity. As I walked to the place, a familiar voice called my name. Another human being to intereact with. I turned around revealing Jun and Minghao running towards me.


"Hey Minsoo."

"Hi guys."

They looked at my direction and noticed I was going to the cafeteria or I wasn't going to my usual eating place.

"Where are you eating?"

"The garden."

I said with sarcasm and they looked at me with confusion. Obviously, they didn't get my joke.

"But it's raining, you'll get sick."

"That's the joke, I'm eating in the cafeteria. Could I- uh."


Jun looked at me and waited for me to finish my sentence. I inhaled.

"Join you guys?"


"Of course!"

Thank you Lord, they didn't reject me. We 3 walked to the cafeteria and sat down in a big table. Big table? Noooo, the whole squad is here. They entered the cafeteria with some fangirling to be heard. Stop screaming or I'll make sure you won't speak again. The guys sat down beside us and stared at me.

"Minsoo! How are you?"

"Okay, Jeonghan-oppa."

He nodded as I got out my food. Ramen, I miss you and love you. How are you so perfect? Please forgive me, you must be sacrificed. I took a slirp of my ramen and the soup went everywhere around my face. Minghao-oppa, who was beside me, got a tissue and wiped my face. I reddend like a dang tomato or a red something. I continued eating like nothing happend.

"You okay, Minsoo? You- is that a black eye?!"

Jihoon-oppa got out of his chair and looked at me. He went closer and zoomed into my face. Oh, it's still visible? I guess I didn't notice. Good eye sight, Jihoon.

risking (seventeen's lee chan||dino)Where stories live. Discover now