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I squirted them with the salt water in the gun. They did the same. I refilled and emptied the gun, then, did the routine again and again.

"My eyes!"

"Sorry Minsoo!"

I collected more water to squirt them. Sofia was the one with the bucket. She threw the water to their faces and is now running away from Hansol. Get rekt, Mingyu. I squirted Mingyu with salt water and he is not collecting water to spray back at me. I squirted the rest my water to Jun and he laughed. I ran to the sea to get more water but someone pushed me and dropped the water on my head.



I collected water and sprayed it to whoever dare challenge me. Lee Chan. Well, we met again. I sprayed him with water and while he was busy wiping his face, I pushed him to the sea as well.


While I was walking away, I felt a small pull into the water. No. A big pull. I was dragged into the water playfully by Chan. I tried using the sand to stop but was no use. Great, there's sand in my nails now.

"Hey bad Chan."

"Hey bad Minsoo."

He let me go and once again, he dropped another bucket of water to my poor face. I glared at him as I got up. We had a good stare for 5 seconds until I decided to push him to the sea. Good thing he fell though. I made a run for it.

"Minsoo! Come back!"

"Why would I even go back to you when you're chasing me?!"

He laughed and continued running. I can't take it anymore. My stamina, faster! He caught me. I fell to the sand while he fell on me. I looked at him with a glare but gave up seeing his face. I blushed, stop Minsoo. I said stop. It won't stop.

"Are you blushing?"

"Get off me before I throw you to the sea and we'll never SEE again."

He finally laughed at one of my jokes. Finally, someone who appreciates my joking unlike Mingyu /cough cough/

"Answer my question before I get off. Are you blushing? Am I too handsome?"

He did that annoying 'I know I'm so handsome, am I right?!' kind of face.

"Ew, no. Get off."

He groaned and got off me. I stood up and wiped off the sand. I skipped back to the shaded place. I sat down with Wonwoo-oppa on the other chair thing. He was reading a book but stopped to look at me. He smiled.

"Having fun?"

"It's okay, I guess."

He smiled even wider and continued with his book. He really loves reading. I looked at the sea to see some of the guys playing with the guns and the other without a top shirt. I ignored and got the chips that we packed a while ago. I opened it and start eating. I concentrated on spying on the guys and Sofia. I stared at them while they played around.

"What are you staring at- OH SNAP SOONYOUNG! YOUR SHIRT! NOW!"

"I'm older than you Wonwoo!"

He screamed all the way to the sea. Wonwoo face palmed and stared at the guys who were disobeying him. I continued watching them while eating chips.

"Like what you see, Minsoo?!"

"I don't see anything!"

I screamed back at Soonyoung-oppa which made the other guys laugh including Wonwoo by my side. Soonyoung got offended and 'accidentally' fell into the sea. Everyone threw sand and water on him to make him annoyed.

"Where do you get your roasts? Who knew you were savage."

"It's called, a brain."

I pointed to the side of my forehead which made him laugh. I ate up the chips until it was finished. I rolled up the plastic and threw it in our mini trash bag. Before I knew it, the guys and girl were done swimming and throwing sand at Soonyoung. They smiled as they got the towel.

"I'm tired."

"Me too."

"You didn't even do anything, Wonwoo-hyung!"

Seungkwan screamed as he placed the towel on his back. I got up and got the towel as well. We left the beach and went back to the room. Oh no, it's another race for the bathrooms. When Joshua-oppa opened the door, we all ran for the bathrooms. I was lucky enough to get 2nd in line.

"You better be fast, Seokmin-oppa!"

"Yeah! I will, just wait!"

I just stood there while talking to Jihoon-oppa behind me. Chan was infront of me leaning on the door trying to listen to our conversation.

"So, Minsoo, did you see anything on Soonyoung? Seriously."

"No, I can't really see that well. Lol, I really need glasses, I guess."

I said while squinting my eyes and Jihoon just laughed. It's true! You don't believe me, Jihoon. We talked on how Mingyu had a weird obsession with sand when he was in kinder. Yeah, I thought also. Sometimes he would steal sand from the playground and bring it home. Gross. The bathroom door opened to see dressed up Seokmin. He smiled and let Chan next. I leaned on the door while me and Jihoon talked.

"Yeah, I don't even know why I went with them in that ride."

"You weren't using-"

The door suddenly opened and I fell backwards but someone caught me. I looked to the back and obviously it's Chan. I blushed on how close are faces were but I finally realize what was happening.

"Yah, watch yourself."

"Yah, knock first before exiting."

He rolled his eyes and moved away from the bathroom. I told Jihoon-oppa to continue his story later. I took a shower and in the middle of my hair washing, there were loud knocks on the door. I turned off the shower to know what's happening.


"Get out! You're taking so long!"

"Shoo! I'm almost done! You won't understand!"

"Shhh, it's okay, Mingyu-hyung. She probably needs to remove the stink on her."

I heard Seungkwan whispering, no, screaming to my brothers ear which made me boil up my whole head.

"Shut up, Boo Seungkwan!"

I speed up and a little too fast. While I washed the shampoo off my hair, it went into my eye. My poor poor eye.


I shouted while showering water on my painful poor very poor eye. I finished and changed into some normal clothes, shorts and a shirt. I slowly opened the door and saw most of my long known oppas were glaring at me, with the 'you are in trouble' face.


"Do you even know how long you were in there?! 20!"

"I like saying 20. Maybe, I'll write a song named 20."

Jihoon-oppa interupted Mingyu's speach about how long I took. Soonyoung also was staring into my sould. I slowly backed up, them ran to my room. I saw Hansol and Sofia talking and politly asked them to leave first. Good thing they followed. I got changedz into more cover up clothing and went out to dry my hair with the towel.


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