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"Oh my gash, you're a pain in the-"



Joshua stopped Mingyu from saying anything else. If oppa continued the sentence, there would be a ritual going on. I walked in the house, pretending that everything is normal, no ones mad or angry. Chan and Jihoon followed me to the kitched.

"Why are you following? Go somewhere else! People will get suspicious."

They flinched and ran to the living room. They sat on the couch, trying to act normal. Well, it's not working. I think they were sweating. LOL. I got some food like marshmallows and went to the living room to sit with them. It was really boring, all they talked about is basketball. Boring. After some boring talks about sports, the guys left. I tried to act normal but Mingyu's glare is disturbing me.

"Gah! Stop glaring!"

"Tell me why~"


He giggled. I groaned. He can be very very annoying sometimes- no all of the time.

"I'll cook dinner. What do you want?"


"Got it."

He left the living room and went to the kitchen to cook his specialty, ramen. I waited for his annoying voice to call me but something else got my attention. The phone rang. I walked to it to pick it up.


"Minsoo-ah, a week left. How many you've got?"

"Leave me alone."

I tried to hang up but he spoke before I could return the phone.

"Wait! Your eomma is waiting for it too. If you give then she's free. I still have her prisoned, you know?"

"Shut up! You know what? Just let her go and take your anger to someone else!"

"Woah, woah, woah. Calm down. I'm not letting her go just yet or maybe I will. I'll let her go to a place called heaven. How's that?"


I hung up quickly and grumply ran to the kitchen. I sat on the chair still waiting for dinner.

"Who called?"

"Stupid jerk face."

"Oh, what he say?"

"He's using eomma for money. Stupid jerk face won't leave her alone!"

He sighed and gave me a bowl of instant noodles. He also scooped himself noodles. Mingyu sat down on the chair in front of me as we ate up the noodles. The soup went everywhere, to my face, shorts and arms. I wiped everything away with a tissue. I got up and put my plate in the sink. I waved by to Mingyu-oppa and walked back to my room. I layed on my bed and had big thoughts.

How will I help eomma?

Why is Chan doing this to me?

Why is Mingyu such a dork?

Why am I like this?

Is Wonwoo actually my beat friend?

What if Yuki didn't survive?

Is there book 21?

I fell asleep after all those big thoughts.

~The Next Day~

Beep Beep Beep

I woke up, with the alarm blasting its music. I sighed and turned it off. Wow, did I really sleep too much? It's like 11 a.m already. I got up and changed quickly, walked out of my room, hoping Mingyu saved me some food. I can smell it, bacon.

risking (seventeen's lee chan||dino)Where stories live. Discover now