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I turned off my phone and realized it's night. Wow, we've been texting for that long. I got up and went to bed ready to beat up Seungkwannie. Before I could enter my room, Mingyu stopped me. I glared at him for some time until he started a coversation.

"Who were you texting?"

"Seungkwan and Hansol. Why? Jealous that I don't talk to you?"

"No, if you want, go to bed. You'll need to wake up early tomorrow. Don't worry, I'll wake you up."

"Okay, goodnight."


I entered my room and changed into my pajamas. I sat on my bed and dragged the blanket until my neck. I shifted to the side and fell asleep.

~The Next Day~


I got up and took a shower. I changed into shorts and Mingyu's jacket. He doesn't mind unless I break or rip the jacket then I'm dead. I combed my hair and tied it into a messy high pony tail. After a few minutes of waiting, the van arrived. Thank you, now I could smack Seungkwan in the face. I hid behind the door while the people got off the van. One by one they went into the house. I waited for the Seungkwan one and he came.

"Hey hyung."

"Hello, Seungkwan."

I jumped on him which made him startled. He fell on the floor and screamed like an 8-year-old girl.

"That's for calling me 'shortie'."

He groaned and I let him go. I got up like nothing happend. I glared at Hansol making sure he won't follow Seungkwan's steps. I glanced at Chan, dang it. The feels are coming back. His bangs are covering his beautiful forehead. I want to hug him but no. I'll just look weird. Seungcheol-oppa divided us.

I was in the van with Seungcheol, Mingyu, Minghao, Jun, Chan, Seungkwan, Joshua and Jeonghan. I sat down with Mingyu on my left and Chan on my right. From all of the people Chan? Dang it he's looking at me.

"God please no."


"Sorry Joshua-oppa."

I was tired. I want to sleep but I'm not letting anyone take a picture of me while I sleep. Then, Lion Heart started playing. Why? Resist. Must resist.

"She wants to scream so bad."

Mingyu-oppa confessed for me. I gave a disgusted face in him. He smirked at me and I glared at him. It was so close to the chorus.

"Sing Minsoo!"

"She won't sing, she'll scream."

Kim Mingyu, why are you even my brother? Oh, I was forced. The chorus started playing. Oh nonononono. Minsoo, calm yourself.

"Tell me..."


I continued screaming. They laughed at me while I glared at them. I coughed which made me stop screaming. I probably broke someone's eardrums. Whoops. I kept coughing, My voice hurts.

"Ahahahha! Minsoo, you're different from before!"

"Is that good or bad?"


Minghao-oppa said and smiled. I nodded and went back to looking at the front. I wish I was at the window seat but Mingyu, the so called 'oppa', stole it. I was getting sleepier and sleepier. I slept early! How did I even not get enough sleep? I leaned on Mingyu's shoulder hoping I won't shift to another postion. I slept on Mingyu's shoulders while finding the right position for my feet. Please don't shift Minsoo.

{Chan's POV}
Minsoo's singing, I mean screaming made me laugh. It was so cute when she fangirls but her screaming ended so soon. She coughed because she inhaled so many dust. Ugh, clean your car Seungcheol-hyung. Then, she leant on Mingyu-hyung's shoulder to sleep. I ignored but the van turned to the right too much which made her head move to my shoulders. Do not move, Chan.

"I wish you luck Chan. Do not move or you'll wake her up."

"Thanks, Jeonghan-hyung?"

"My baby is growing up!"

He wiped his fake tear of joy. I'm not a baby. Please don't call me that. I'm not young! She's younger than me, and Sofia is younger than me! There are probably more than a thousand people younger than me yet you call me a baby.

"Seungcheol-hyung, you had to turn to the right so hard?"

"Sorry Chan, I almost missed the turn. Just don't move and you won't wake her."

I nodded and looked at Mingyu-hyung. He's sleeping. Ughh, I can't ask for help anymore. I looked at sleeping Minsoo. It's either I ruin her beauty sleep and her sweet dreams or I wake her up from a scary nightmare. I'd keep her sleeping. Please don't move anymore Minsoo. I asked Jeonghan-hyung to help me plug my earphones. Gladly, he helped me and I listen to music. I listen with one earphone plugged to one of my ears.

"Oh no, she's dreaming. When she dreams, she shifts. Wish you luck Chan."

Seungcheol said while concentrating on the road, hoping not to bump somewhere and kill us all.

"What? How do you she's dreaming?"

"She's whispering. Can't you hear?"

I removed my earphones plugged into one of my ears. Yeah, she's talking to herself. Please, I beg you Minsoo, do not- noo. She's moving. She grabbed my arm and rolled into a ball. My arm is now stuck in her hands. She's hugging my arm while her legs folded.

"Noooo, Minsoo. Your brother might get mad."

"Ahaha, good luck!"

"You're not helping, Seungkwan-hyung."

"It's okay, Chan. Just don't move until we arrive there."

I nodded and felt my hand stuck into her arms. Why Minsoo? It's fine if you hug me but not in front of the others. They will probably haunt my life forever. I plugged the earphone and continued listening to music. Don't take pictures hyungs. This is not a special moment. I was just sitting there, trying not to move, and basically suffering. My nose is itchy! Ack, my other hand is somewhere with Jun-hyung. He said he will fix my nails.

"Are you done?"

"No, just wait. Your nails are ugly. I'm doing you a favor by fixing your nails."

"My nose is-"

"Shhh, quiet."

Great. My nose is itchy. Just a scratch will do! I can not take it.

"My nose is itchy! Jun-hyung stop first!"

"Shhhhhhhh! You'll wake up Minsoo!"

Everyone screamed at me. Jun finally let go of my hand and I quickly scratch my nose. I sighed of relief and gave it back to Jun-hyung. Ahhhh, I feel better. Now, my only problem is Minsoo.

|dont embarass me|

okay so sorry for the raosts i rly feel bad for it so i has next chap for ya. sorry i am a bad roaster(?) and i wish i will get better ples teach me jihoon peace✌🏻

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