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Last night wasn't so great. I just cried myself to sleep. Anyways, I woke up late and now it's 11 a.m. I got myself looking normal and went out my room. What surprised me was the guys were day. Everyone was staring into my soul. I put my hood up and pretended they weren't there. I glanced at Chan and he, he was bruised. Bruise here, bruise there. Taeyong did something.

"Minsoo-ah, don't ignore your oppas. Come here and let's just talk."

Jeonghan said while patted the seat beside him but I shook my head as I walked to the kitchen and got cooked another cup of instant ramen. It's okay, instant ramen is fine. The ding came and I got the hot ramen out of the microwave. I set it on the table but then a shout was heard from the living room.

"Kim Minsoo! Come here and we're talking this out!"

It sounded like Soonyoung. I sighed and got my food and went to the living room. I sat beside Jeonghan and Minghao. I sighed while eating my ramen. I glaced again at Chan and I couldn't even see him like this. He's still pretty though-

"Minsoo, you know what you did. Why did you?"

Seokmin gave me a serious look. It's been forever since I saw him serious. I sighed and ignored the question. Minghao snapped his finger in front of me signalling me to answer.

"You won't believe me if I tell you."

"We will."

"I didn't do it."

"Nevermind. Minsoo, isn't it obvious?"

Seungkwan said and facepalmed as well as Seungcheol. Aish.

"See? Why did I even try?"

I said and took a sip of my soup. Mingyu was ignoring me all the time. I can't even believe that my own brother was against me. He doesn't even believe me. My own brother, the person who should always be by my side but is not. I sighed as I took another slirp from my instant ramen.

"Gyu's mad at you."

"I know. He kept on complaining yesterday."

I got up and threw the cup away. I came back but didn't aim for the chair. I sat on the floor instead. I don't even want to see them. Why're they here anyways? Oh, Mingyu obvioulsy invited them.

"Minsoo, I-"

"I get it! You're all mad! Stop shoving it into my face! I know it already!"

I shouted that made Hansol shocked. I got up and ran to my room. I slammed the door and thought of a plan. I though until I have one. Proof. My only need. How do I get it though. I sat there thinking of a plan but didn't have any. I decided to play some music cause sitting around all day can be pretty boring. I got my phone and played I Loved You by Day6.

"This song makes me wanna cry."

I whispered to myself while listening to the beat. The song ended and I got bored again. I mean, I could play other songs but I'm not in the mood for sitting around doing nothing. I want to eat, yes, I know I ate like 5 minutes ago but there's always space for more. I got up and quietly walked out my room, hoping no one would notice me but I obviously failed.

"Minsoo-ah, where do you think you're going?"

I turned to see who said it and it's Jun-oppa. The others were just comforting either Chan or Mingyu. Wonwoo wasn't doing anything. He just sat there, staring at the 2 hurt boys. Jun raised an eyebrow, still waiting for my reply.


"Aigoo, you just ate."

I nodded. I walked to the fridge to see what's in it. Nothing. Well, there's ingredients but I'm not in the mood to cook. I searched through the cupboards and saw cookies. I couldn't reach it BUT, I got the mini stool out of a small cabinet under and stood on it. I got the cookies and opened it, filling the room with a good scent of sweet cookies. I got one and stepped down the stool.

risking (seventeen's lee chan||dino)Where stories live. Discover now