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"Huh? For what?"

"1, making my life worse and 2, making my life better. I have these things for you."

I played with my fingers for while and tried to avoid eye contact with him. He tilted his head again and I facepalmed. I opened my mouth but he slapped my arm because he was suppose to say something. That's not how it works idiot.

"Me first. I have this thing."

He made all kind of hand gestures that don't even mean anything. Idiot.

"Just say it!"


I heard him. Loud and clear. Crystal clear. Did I head that correctly? Does he? No. I blinked again and I smiled. For real this time. Not those cold fake ones those real smiles. I can't believe I'm doing it again. So, this is how it feels to be happy again? I thought I will look like a rat when I smile.

"Yeah, same."

"Really?! Yay! Hey, you're smiling! O! Let's take a selca!"

He got his phone out and turned on the snow app. He put a filter and I smiled and posed for the picture. He took loads of pictures I swear. It looked like his gallery was about to explode because of the many pictures we took. I grabbed it and looked at the pictures he saved, he mostly saved everything except for the blurry ones. I smiled at it because I look pretty for the first time and Chan made it 10x prettier. Chan made the picture 10x nicer and 10x worse. Worse because he ruined my spotlight if being the beauty of this photo. He grabbed his phone back and I looked at him.

"Okay, let me explain. So, when I met you I thought you were uh, nice. But I made a deal because my first love betrayed me and if I loved again I will be betrayed again but you're here. How did that happen? Oh, because I accidentally fell in love with an idiot."

He smiled and looked at the view again. He somehow stole my hand and locked it with his. We're holding hands. I shook my head and I looked at the view. I tried to concentrate at the view but I can't since freaking Chan is holding my hand. Abort. Abort.

"Stupid idiotic Chan."

He laughed and at the corner of my eye, he looked at me. I could feel my face heaten.

"Look at me, weirdo."

I followed him and I glared at him for making those stupid nicknames.


I said in a sassy tone. He sqeezed my hand tighter and I felt my face heaten 10x more than ever. His face, I just wanna punch it because it's disturbing and confusing my feelings. I wanna hurt him for confusing me but I can't. That's why I hate him more, I hate him because I can't. I can't hate him because I do the opposite. I hate him for making me fall in love with him. STUPID LEE CHAN. He got his free hand and pulled me closer and our lips connected. Holy- I didn't know what what to do so I just stayed. Eventually we stopped.

"I'm sorry! Oh freak, I didn't know what came over me! It's-"

"Shut up. Just, calm down."

He nodded and we continued to stare into the view again. He stole my first kiss. Stupid Lee Chan. It all was disturbed when Chan's phone rang. He got it with his free hand and put it on speaker. It was Seokmin-oppa's phone.

"Did you confess already?! I swear if you didn't I will do it first!"

"I did! She can hear you hyung!"

"Oh? Oh! Hello Minsoo! Are you guys dating already?! Because I have a couple of ship names ready. Do you want ChanSoo? Or MinChan?"

"Joshua-oppa? Are you okay?"

"Everyone's here!"

"You left us."

I said in an angry tone while I could feel theirselves shaking. I forced Chan to end the call. I pulled him down the small hill where he stole my first kiss and we ran to the rented house. Oh my gosh, did they actually go that far? Leaving us?!

"Oh jeez! I'm going to kill those."

"Maknaes shall rise!"


I continued to pull him until we arrive at the rented house. I may or may have not broke the door down because of anger.


"I'm not paying for that."

Seungcheol-oppa said while slowly backing up from the door.

"Hello, idiots."

I said while trying to fix the fallen door. Dang it Minsoo, you did it again. I just left it on the floor since I couldn't do anything anymore. I looked at the guys again and smiled evily.

"Fight me."

"Maknaes shall rise!"

Chan stood beside me and I smiled. I stopped playing and ran to the fridge. Chan followed as I stole the last bottle of chocolate milk.

"I said fight me."

I said while raising the bottle in the air. The guys came in running but I opened the bottle and drank it. I threw the empty bottle away and left the guys shooked.


"We were saving that!"

I got the wooden spoon from the drawer and held it like a sword. I slapped Joshua-oppa on the arm soflty and smiled evily. Then, all of them went to Joshua-oppa's team of 'hOW DARE YOU DRINK THAT!1!1' I was about to slap them with the spoon but Chan whispered something in my ear but I didn't get it.

"Huh? Speak louder idiot!"

"Hop on my back idiot! You can't run so it's no use! We're gonna loose!"


"Just do it!"

He bented down and I followed him. He ran away from the guys with my on his back. I pointed the spoon on the direction he should go. We were all having fun. I was happy again. Even though my parents aren't here anymore, I'm sure they would be happy if I was back to normal. I giggled while Chan ran around the house. Suddenly, I fell to the ground. I looked up to see Chan. He freaking dropped me!

"Stupid Lee Chan!"

le wifi is not dat fast soo yes. i dunno but my feet are in pain cus we needed to wear smth formal and my feet were in basic hell the whole day thx lol so merry christmas and heppey new year ill end this before the new year peace✌🏻

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