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{Chan's POV}
"Chan! Faster! Let's go to the beach! You're so slow at changing!"

Someone banged the bathroom door. It's obviously Minghao-hyung. Ever since we left Seungkwan-hyung's home and slept at the rented house, Minghao-hyung kept on pushing me to go faster to go to the beach. I heard from Jun-hyung that he was all jumpy in the van. Aish, how is he even older than me. Even when I woke up, wait- Minghao-hyung woke me up saying to get dressed because we're going to the beach. I combed my hair and unlocked the bathroom door. I didn't even get to open it because Minghao-hyung already opened it for me. I gave him a judgy stare.

"Okay! Let's go!"

"How about the others-"

He already closed the front door with my wrist in his hands. I sighed and just followed him. It was only a walking distance so we arrived there fast. He left me at the umbrella place thingy at the beach and ran straight to the sea. I looked at hyung while he waved his hands into the hair signalling me to join him. I had no choice but to just go with him. He smiled and we swam until the other guys... and girl came.

Everyone came to the sea with us except for Jihoon-hyung, Wonwoo-hyung and Minsoo. The 'I HATE SWIMMING' trio. Minsoo went straight for the bench and slept there. Jihoon-hyung and Wonwoo-hyung sat at the 2 benches beside that. We were swimming and having some quality squad time.

{Wonwoo's POV}
I watched the guys play around and continued to read my book. Then, I got curious about what Chan said earlier.

"Hey, aren't you curious why Minsoo is always sleepy or sleeping?"

"No. Because I do that too."

"No, no, no. Not like that, like, I feel like she's sick or something."

I said while catching the attention if Jihoon. Finally, he's listening to me. He looked at me then at the sleeping Minsoo then at me then at Minsoo again. He placed his hands on Minsoo's forehead and his eyes went giant. He then placed it on her neck and his eyes looked like they were gonna pop out.

"Holy- she's cold. Like really cold."

I placed my hand on her forehead and holy crap, it's cold. Cold as ice. Holy- oh freak. What. I'm panicking. She's even getting pale. Oh siomai.

"Call the guys. We need to take her to the hospital."

Jihoon nodded and screamed at the top of his lungs with the most not accurate phrase I ever heard.

"Guys! Minsoo's dead!"

When everyone heard it, they came running to us. They were panicking because of what Jihoon said that wasn't even that accurate.

"She's what?!"

"Just kidding, she's cold."

Their faces were relaxed. They each placed their hand on Minsoo's forehead or neck and their eyes were already hanging off the edge of their place. Mingyu was the first to react and carried Minsoo.

"Seungcheol, get the van. Hospital, now."

"Don't forget to say 'hyung'!"

Seungcheol-hyung shouted while he ran to get the van. Everyone else either went with Seungcheol-hyung or stayed with Mingyu. I glanced at Chan who was biting his nails. He's obviously worried and maybe his theory was even correct. Mingyu placed Minsoo into the van and we drove off. Not everyone came, the others went to the other van even though Jeonghan-hyung told them to stay.

We drove to the nearest hospital. We got off and just let the doctors have her. We waited for about 10 minutes in the waiting room until the doctor came in. Mingyu stood up then me then everyone else followed. It's like follow the leader but anxiety version.

"She has some kind of poison or something in her. It looked like she was either injected or she has eaten something. It was suppose to kill her but good thing she held her sleepiness back because if she didn't, she would be somewhere else. She might wake up for 2-7 days because the poison that was injected was serious. You could see her for now."

The doctor said and we all said thank you for so many times. We bowed and bowed and ran to Minsoo's room. Once we entered, she was lying on the bed with tubes attached to her. She wasn't pale like before and that's great. She looked like she's sleeping fine and not dying.

"Are you dead?"

Mingyu waved his hands in front of Minsoo's face. He touched her forehead and neck and he sighed in relief, I think. I followed him and good thing her original temperature is back. I almost had a heart attack a while ago when I felt Minsoo's cold skin.

"Stupid, she's okay. She's Minsoo."

Jihoon said while looking at her carefully. He looks like he's scanning her face then arms then it stopped. Jihoon was staring into her arms and I spotted something. It was a mark. Not any mark, the mark you get after an injection. It looked fresh.

"Wait, what's that."

Soonyoung-hyung spoke about it and everyone's attention turned to Minsoo's arm. This is for sure not an accident. Someone injected the poison in her. Holy- are those scars?!


"Yeah, she's hurting herself..."

Chan said and we all glared at him. He didn't even stop her from hurting herself. He tried to change the topic by pointing at the other mark that looked fresher than Seungcheol.

"Someone did this."

"But how?"

"Injected? Maybe when she was sleeping? Mingyu, I swear if you left the window open again."

"Maybe her room's window. Dang it."

We all facepalmed. Dang it, Mingyu. And you still call yourself her oppa. How is that even possible. If I could, I'll be your replacement. The doctor came in and shooed us away since she needs her rest. We groaned and left the hospital. Stupid doctor who won't give us a minute.

We walked and drove back grumpily to the rented house. I guess we weren't really protecting her, were we? We didn't really made sure that she's safe. Aish, we said we will protect her and this is where she ends up. Maybe, it's all Mingyu's fault since he left a window open. I mean, that's very dangerous. I blame Mingyu. I blame Mingyu for hurting my best friend.

okay i ate some cheese sticks and now my fingers are orange and its not coming off someone help me lol. okay, the soap isnt even working oh jeez lolololol okay if ur bored watch attack on titan because its great lol STOP SAYING LOL AND OKAY peace✌🏻

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