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Me and Jihoon went to the nearest mall and walked around for a bit. We finally found the glasses shop thing and we went in.

"Hey, how may I help ya? Yo, Jihoon. Sup man."

This dude who was working there fist bump Jihoon. I stepped back to give them so bro time. The guy looked at me and smiled.

"This is Minsoo. I think she needs glasses."

He nodded and went to this thing that looked like a binocular. I followed him and he told me to sit down.

"I'm Min Yoongi, by the way. Put your eyes through the hole thing."

I did as Yoongi said and saw letters. It's a blurry. Great job eye sight. High five.

"Okay, I'll put it at the normal setting. So, if ya can read 'em letters, your eyes sight's fine."

All I could see are little blobs of black thing. Black sumdges or something.

"I can't read it."

"Okay, tell me if you can read it. Wait no!"

He paused for some seconds. I think he's remembering the steps. He finally said something after 381793719 years.

"Use your left eye first. Close the right one, then, tell me when you can read it, okay? I'll go slow."

All the letters were going clearer. I think it's a word. It got clearer by the second and more cleaner. The smudges were slowly disappearing as the time passes.

"Stop! I can read it!"

"What it say?"

"Jimin, you got no jams? You also? With the random phrases?"

I pulled away from the small machine and looked at him. He nodded and I sighed with their connection with Jihoon. To be very very very very honest, they look alike for no reason. Yoongi wrote something in a paper and told me to move on with the other eye. I closed my left eye and looked at the small machine again.

"Okay, you know the drill. I ain't explaining again."

I nodded and the blobs went clearer. I said stop and he wrote something in his paper again. I heard it. It said the same phrase as the left one but in a different front. I pulled away from the machine as he walked away into the staff section thing.

"You guys look alike."

"I get the also but I'm obviously more handsome than Yoongi-hyung."


He laughed as Yoongi came back with a 2 lenses. I stared at them, wondering what I'll do with it.

"You want to try it?"

I tilted my head in confusion. Lies. Faker. Troll. Gash, Yoongi. I am not stupid. One does not simply troll Kim Minsoo.

"I'm not stupid. Jihoon, help me pick the case thingy that you attach to the lense thingy."

He nodded as we walked to the hall of thingies. I'm not a glasses expert and don't know the names for the parts so I'll call them thingies. I looked around until Jihoon called me to look at this one. It's a round one like Harry Potter glasses.

"Wait, I'll show you how I look in these. I look great so you might look as good as me."

He got his phone and scrolled through the pictures. It was FULL of selfies and trees and the sky. It wasn't the exact thing but it was something like that.

"You look

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"You look...okay."


I nodded and screamed a bit for Yoongi to be summoned. He walked fast to us and opened the display thing. I pointed at the nice round harry potter thing and he nodded. He got it and closed the display. I walked behind him as he walked to the lenses and placed them in the case and BOOM a newly born glasses. I wore it and showed it to Jihoon.

"Very nice."

"Okay, this is for reading. You can also use it 24/7 but also for reading only. Now, money."

I sighed and went to my bag. As soon as I pulled my wallet out, Jihoon already paid to Yoongi. He pulled me out of the shop before I could even say anything. He gave me a paper bag with the case and wipes in it. He smiled and I nodded at his sweet actions. We walked back to the beach and saw the others already drying up. They all stared at me for some reason then I realized I have my glasses on.


I took them off quickly and placed them back in the case. I walked with Jihoon to the shaded area with the other guys drying.

"Why Jihoon? Why not me?"

"Because, Kwon Soonyoung, Lee Jihoon is on my team. Thank you very much."

I pushed Soonyoung away from me as he pouted. I got my shades from the sandy ground. I can't believe no one even dares to pick it up and clean it. I am very disappointed in you boys and girl.

"I think unnie looks good in glasses."

"Thank Sofia. I think you look nice even though Hansol is your brother."

She smiled. Ahh, she's too innocent to undertsand my roasts. Unlike Hansol, who was having a mad time in the corner, who knows what my roasts mean. I love my roasts. That's the only thing I like about myself.

"I wanna see! Put them on!"

Chan suddenly screamed that made the whole galaxy groan. Stop this mess right now. I groaned as I got the case out of my pocket. I opened it and just hovered it over my eyes.

"I said put it on, not hover it."

I shook my head and he just randomly grab the glasses and forced it on my face. Luckily, it didn't break but Chan here is being so greedy about me wearing these reading glasses.

"Pretty u."

Minghao complimented me, why thank you. Even though, I am the sister of a brainless man, I am pretty in my own way, because of roasts. I nodded and took them off before someone took pictures. I put them back in the case and walked away from the group of people. I packed my small bag and walked behind the guys. We walked back to room and prepared our stuff cause we going back to our houses.

so many kpop references.sksksk its so late from when i update lol sorry mianhae me wifi is not feeling so well so its not fast its almost christmas guys get ready for gifts and food xD

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