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{Minsoo's POV}
I give up on life already. It's a week before school and that funeral of eomma is today. Everyone's going, I mean the squad is going. I got up and wore black everything. I wore shades, a black cap and a black hoodie jacket. I walked out my room and saw Mingyu sitting on the couch, probably sobbing. He looked up and faked a smile.


"Just, don't judge me."

"Hey, he told me. That you didn't do the punchies. He did it. It's his fault."


I sighed and walked over the the kitchen. The moment I got my cookies, the doorbell rang. It's probably the squad. I saw them, the all look like dementors from harry potter. Seokmin-oppa randomly hugged me and I gave him a 'what the frik?' glare.

"I'm sorry for not believing you."


"Chan's a little bit guilty. Forgive him."


"Are you just gonna say that?"

I shook my head and ate a cookie while leaving them to comfort my brother. After some time, we went into the van. I was lucky enough to get the window seat. To avoid all contact with the boys. We finally arrived at the place. They went ahead and went near the coffin. I didn't dare so I stayed behind. Behind all the people. The funeral started and I just sat there, like I was nowhere related to eomma. It ended. I didn't want to leave yet so I stayed. It started raining, just great. I sighed and went near the grave.

"I'm sorry eomma. It was all my fault. I brought him to our lives."

I sobbed but good thing I was wearing shades and if not, someone will look at me.

"I'm sorry. You're in this place because of me."

I heard the rain go harder but it stopped wetting me. I realized I was under an umbrella held by Chan. Of course.

"You'll get sick."

"Why do you care."

"Because- I just care."


He pulled my head and forced me to lean on his shoulder. I was smol enough to be the exact hight so perfectly alligned. I cried quietly and he removed my shades.

"Let's go home."

I nodded and we walked home, under one umbrella. We were walking peacfully but he suddenly held my hands. I panicked first but I felt comfortable later on. The moment we stepped on the 'welcome' mat, the door went busting open.

"Where have you- WHAT ARE YOUR HANDS DOING?!"

I quickly shaked his hand off mine and pretended that nothing happend. I sighed and just went inside. No one was there luckily but Chan was. I ran to the bathroom and did some experiment. I got the razors and sliced out my last name. 김 (Kim). I wrote it with the razors on my upper arm. I promise to wear a jacket or sleeves at all times. It felt good for some reason. I smiled to myself and walked out the bathroom. I ran straight to my room and slept.

~3 Days Later~
{Minsoo's POV}
I've been cutting myself often. More words like 민수 (Minsoo) and 하하 (haha) and it feels great. I place it on my upper arm so that it's hidden.

{Mingyu's POV}
I smell something very fishy. Minsoo's been wearing jackets 24/7. I mean, like all the time. I know that she wears my jackets but not in her sleep. Something's wrong right now. It's been raining alot lately and I hope she's okay with it. Speak of the devil, she finally came out of the bathroom.

"Want to watch some shows? Bro and sis time?"


She sat down beside me as I played Kaichou wa Maid-Sama. She just stared into the t.v like she's taking its soul. I ignored her for a while and focused on the show.

~5 Days Later~
{Mingyu's POV}
I swear. Something is wrong. I woke up Minsoo and gadly she got ready for school. It's november 1 and I hope she's doing well. I hope she forgets about the past and moves on with her future. She got changed and walked out the house without even eating or waiting for me. That punk.

{3rd Person}
Mingyu quickly packed his bag and fixed the houde before he could catch up with Minsoo. He locked the door and ran to her. He luckily caught up to her but she just ignored him.

"You left me."

Mingyu said while pouting. Minsoo just nodded like it's something to be proud of. He sighed and tried to catch up with her since she's moving so fast.

"I don't want to go to school."

"Yeah me too, but you have too. It's okay. On December 1, Christmas break will start again so just wait okay."

She nodded and went on to her class.

~1 Month Later~
{Minsoo's POV}
I did it. It's break again. I made it through hell again and now it's the Christmas dang season. Now, I have to think of a gift for each of Gyu's friends. Ugh, this is great. Just great. I woke up and dressed up becaus I'm doing early Christmas shopping. I got my small bag and stole oppa's card, I'm sure he won't mind, and I head off to the mall.

"I'm sure Mingyu wants a new jacket."

I went to the clothing store and bought him a nice looking jacket. I decided to get Wonwoo-oppa a beanie because why not? I got these mittens for Jun-oppa because I think it will look cute on him. I paid with oppa's card and left. I went to the sports store next and looked at the baseball bat.

"If Jihoon-oppa is angry, maybe going to the forest and hitting the wall would be great."

I nodded and bought the baseball bat with of course, Mingyu-oppa's card. I went to the music store next and bought some guitar stuff for Joshua-oppa. I also bought this mic with a bluetooth speaker so when you speak at the mic, the sound will be coming from the bottom of the mic and that's for Seungkwan. I paid and left. I walked around and entered a glasses shop. I saw Yoongi-oppa there and I wave at him.


"Hi. Do you have shades here?"


"I'll take this one and that."


He got the shades out of the display thing which I still don't know what it's called. I paid for it and waved bye to Yoongi-oppa. The shades, one for Minghao-oppa and Hansol-oppa. I passed by a cap store and quickly bought a dark blue cap that has a J written on it. It stands for Jeonghan. I ran to a bedroom needs store and bought a small golden pillow for Seokmin-oppa. I walked into this store where they sell onesies. I walked around and saw a perfect one. It wasn't exactly a onesie. Like a jacket, the upper half of the onsie but it was a squirell. I got it for Soonyoung-oppa and the owl for Seungcheol-oppa. I paid for it and left. R.I.P Gyu's card. The last one was Chan's gift. I walked to this braclet store and bought 2 braclets. One that says ㅊ (ch) for Chan and ㅁ (m) for Minsoo. Friendship bracelets. I paid and walked home with all these bags. Why did I even dare to buy tgem gifts? Oh because if they give me gifts and I don't have for them, Mingyu will get mad at me so I really have no choice.

holy jeez. i had to skip so much time sorry i cant think of anything because yes. lol. im rly sad its about to end and i should rly stop taking about this ending xD anywayssss its getting cold here and imma wear jackets 24/7 also xD imma go now peace✌🏻

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