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I moved the dice out of the way and moved my character 4 steps forward. My figure landed on chance and that's a place where you should get a card. I got a card and it said that every player must give me $20.

"Ha! Money, money, money."

I sang with the tune of BS&T. I swear, I'm in love with that song. They groaned and gave me their money. We were playing monopoly for those who are asking or maybe no one's asking but at least you know.

"Aigoo! This is boring! All we do is give you money! Let's play another game!"

"Fine. Uno?"


We packed up the board game and I got the uno out of my back. Good thing I brought games cause I don't want to play truth or dare again. Me, Sofia, Hansol, and Seungkwan were playing monopoly. I asked the others if they want to play uno. Luckily, Jun, Minghao, Joshua, and Wonwoo wants to play. I shuffled the cards and gave 7 to each of them.

We all got competetive on the game. We were standing up, screaming and even punching the others lightly. We were screaming song lyrics that fit the situation. The game was done and Minghao won. Seungkwan was last place since he thought the game was about getting the most cards.

"Dinner! Get over here! It's chicken!"

Seungcheol-oppa screamed that scared everyone to the dining room. I smelled the beautiful scent of chicken and gravy. My mouth watered as I sat down on the chair.


Jeonghan said raising his hands up in the air. He smiled as he gestured the others to get chicken. We all stared at him with a confused look at his weird ways.

"You sound like a mom."

"You look like Jesus."

"Do not insult Jesus."

Joshua stopped Soonyoung's and Seokmin's comments. We all got our parts of chicken. I got the leg and some gravy to go with it.

"You like it? I cooked it!"

Mingyu said smiling while everyone nodded except for me. I pretended to choke on the food which made Mingyu's face heaten. His glare turned to me and everyone laughed at my actions. I held my neck still pretending to choke but I stopped and looked at 'I'm gonna kill you' Mingyu.

"Joke. It's okay as long as I didn't die."

He smiled and continued eating his masterpiece. I didn't die or get poisoned, that's the only thing I'm worried about. We were eating and Hansol was talking about his experience with the ocean and why he took swimming lessons.

"Oh my God, I almost fell in the ocean. I swear!"

"You know, Hansol-oppa said not to say "oh my god" to me and he's doing it now. Look! I even have the video!"

Sofia took out her phone and showed us the video where Hansol was a kid and was telling Sofia 'you're not suppose to say omg'. Ahh, the irony.

"Sofia! Don't bring back stupid memories!"

Sofia chuckled and drank her water. Unfortunatly, me, Chan and Sofia couldn't drink soda like everyone else since we were still 'young'. I'm 15! I'm turning 16 on March! I'm old enough to know what I can drink and what not to drink.

We were all done eating and talking, I stayed behind because I was forced to wash the dishes with Jeonghan-oppa. He was talking about beauty tips and tricks. I don't know why but I was entertained. I also told him what tricks I learned from the internet.

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