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Soon, everyone came. It was already 4pm and we have an hour basically doing nothing. Seungcheol and Jeonghan were fighting over who's the most responsible? Joshua and Hansol were rapping english lines while Seungkwan was screaming at them, telling them to speak in Korean. Minghao and Jun were teaching Jihoon how to do fighting? Soonyoung and Seokmin were running aroung, chasing Chan around the house. Mingyu and Wonwoo were in the kitchen, cooking or burning the kitchen down, I guess. And I was just on the couch, reading.

"Minsoo! I'm so excited! How about you?"

I nodded and continued reading. That sounded like Seungkwan, obviously. He's going back to his home place town thing and he's obviously excited.

"Oh! It's almost 5! Let's get loading!!"

"Stop screaming!"

Jihoon-oppa shouted while he tried to kick Seungkwan on the butt. He did it while Seungkwan fell on the floor saying 'owww' for a long period of time. I got my luggage and dragged it outside but Chan grabbed it first. I glared at him and tried to get my luggage back but he pulled it to his side.


"No. Mine."

"It's mine!"

"Just let me help you!"


He pulled it hard causing me to let go and let him drag my luggage to the van. He only brought a big backpack so he didn't need to bring 2 of those stroller baggies. Soon, the others followed. We're playing follow the leader. We stood in front of the van while waiting for someone responsible to unlock the van.

"Open the van, idiot."


We were riding 2 vans so we needed to be divided. The first van was infected by Seungkwan, Hansol, Minghao, Jun, Jeonghan, Seokmin, and Soonyoung. The second was with Me, Mingyu, Seungcheol, Joshua, Chan, Wonwoo, and Jihoon. Great, I'm with Chan. Again. I'm being forced. I sat down near the windom while Mingyu-oppa was beside me. There's 3 rows and each row can be fit with 3 people except the last row that could fit 4. The first row was Chan and Wonwoo. The second was me and Mingyu. The last was with Jihoon and Joshua and Seungcheol was driving.

"I thought we're going on a plane?"

"Yeah, no. It's kind of a road trip then a boat trip."

"Aish, you shouldn't lie to me, Gyu."

Mingyu-oppa giggled again. I am gonna stop calling him that if he giggles everytime I say it.

"Why did you bring me?"

"Because no one will watch you."

"Why can Sofia stay?"

"Because someone could watch her."

I groaned while he got his phone and went to one of 100 videos he saved offline in Youtube. Aish.

"And we're going."

Seungcheol said while turning on the radio. We all groaned in disgust on what he listening to. Talk radio? Jeez. Wonwoo was so cringed that he had to changed the radio. He turned the settings into bluetooth and connected his phone. Seungcheol whined and continued to focus on the road. Wonwoo played this song called U&I by Ailee and it's great.

"How to keep people entertained 101."

He smirked at us and we all laughed, except for Seungcheol, obviously. He was just grumpy. I got bored and just fell asleep.

{Mingyu's POV}
"Are we there yet?"

"Chan! Stop! It! I! Swear!"

"I am going to pull your hair off your head!"

"Shut up already!"

"Quiet! Idiots! I just want to sleep! At least Minsoo already slept before this starterd!"

I shouted while everyone stayed silent. Wow, I'm great. Seungcheol-hyung was ignoring our fight because he's not responsible enough to fix this. I looked over at Minsoo who was sleeping quietly and peacefully. I sighed because I want to be in sleeping also but I can't. You know why? Oh, because Lee freaking Chan won't just shut his mouth. He won't stop asking the phrase! 'Are we there yet?' I swear if he says that one more time, I will throw him out of the window.

"We're here! Time to ride the boat! Someone wake everyone up."

He parked the car and we all got off. I woke up Minsoo and she looked like she came from a storm. Her hair was messy and tangled. Her eyes were full of confusion. Maybe, she had a dream? Don't know. I got off, leaving her to get her senses together, and helped everyone get their bags down.

"Hyung, how long is the boat ride?"

"About an hour? Not sure."

I answer while closing the back door. We were about to leave but we forgot one thing. Minsoo. We left her. Aish, she didn't get out yet. That kid. I went back in the van to see her sleeping again. I pulled her and she woke up. She stood up and rubbed her eyes.

"Where am I?"

"Boating place. Let's just go. Everyone's waiting for us."

She nodded and got her luggage. She was walking with her eyes closed. I slightly slapped her to wake her up but she just nodded. She couldn't even open it. Aish, what are you even doing? Trying to sleep walk?

"Minsoo-ah, wake up!"

"I am."

She said while her eyes are still closed. I shaked her with my only free arm but she still won't fully wake up.

"I'll ask Seungkwan-hyung."

Chan said while looking for the others.

"Yeah, okay. Oh! They're there!"

Wonwoo said while waving his hands in the air causing the other people to stare at us. I slapped him and he stopped. The other guys came running for us like they're running for their lives. Seungkwan was left behind because he didn't put effort in his running.

"Help! Seungkwan! He's so annoying!"

Chan, again, shouted and pointed at Wonwoo who finally stopped. I laughed at it. Jihoon also giggled while Minsoo was just dead asleep. She was even standing up. I don't even know anymore.

"Are you okay?"

Minghao poked Minsoo's arm but she only responded with a 'hmm'. We all sighed while Seungkwan came running to us.

"Ya'll need me?"

We nodded and he got warmed up. We walked back just in case, good thing Minsoo didn't follow and just stood there with her eyes closed. We all watched as Seungkwan goes closer to her. We covered our ears and he started singing. We also fogot that we're in public right now.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wa-wake up!"

Seungkwan screamed also singed while Minsoo just fell on the floor rubbing her ears. The other people walking past us just gave us a judgely stare.


She rubbed her ears while Seungkwan kept on giving her the waves of sorrys. I facepalmed. Why did I even give him permission to do this? Minsoo stood up and hit Seungkwan hard on the arm. He whined and just give it in. Then, we were okay, nobody was sleeping. We walked to our boarding place and waited. Aish, another waiting game.

okay listen up, respect to the kidols asap. theyre human too and we cant just go hate on them. baka. ples dont send hate to kidols cuz we already had 1 victim and even fans are commiting suicide because of this. oh jesz im sad. so lesson 1: talk to someone peace✌🏻

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