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I tried pulling away and gladly the figure let go. It looked at me and took of his hood. It's the one and only, stupid  jerk face!


I shouted at him and slapped his hand before he could even pinch my cheeks. Taeyong, you know why I gave you that nickname? Find out yourself! He's probably to stupid to know.

"Honey, halloween's next week!"

"So?! I know! Don't shove it into my face!"

I tried running away from him but he pulled my wrist before I could even get away. This time, I was so mad at him, hardcore. I slapped his face and he touched his burning and stinging cheek. He smiled weirdly at the ground as he continued to rub his cheek.

"Woah, gone far."

He kicked me down. Before I could get up, he dragged me to a small alley. I tried pulling away from hid grip but he only made it harder causing it to hurt more. It was dark, might I remind you. He dragged me there and held me. He was choking me. His hands were on my throat and he was sqeezing it.

"I-I ca-can't-"

"I'm aware of that."

He sqeezed a little bit tighter. I tried gasping for air but there was nothing coming in. I also tried removing his hands but it was to tight. I'm running our of air. I couldn't scream because there's no air in me. So, this is how I'll die.

"I'm sorry..."

His mood changed and his eyes softened. But 0.01 second later his eyes were filled with fury. He tightened it and I'm dead already. Bye world. Say hello to Kim Namjoon for me please.


He let go and ran away. I felt a light shine on my eyes. I fell down to the floor and before I could even see who helped me, I blacked out.

{Minghao's POV}
Mingyu-hyung told us that Minsoo was missing and that got me worried. Like, what if she gets kidnapped or something. I know that she literally punched Chan in the face but she still denies it. She's missing right now and that's all that matters. Missing. Let me say that again, missing. I'm very worried for her.

He also us that he was in a friends house but she told him an hour ago. So, we decided to look for her. We splited in pairs while Chan waited at home. He said he was still mad at her but deep inside, he's worried as hell. I know that deep inside Chan, his heart is filled with anxiety and all that worry stuff. It was worse with Mingyu-hyung. R.I.P. I was with Wonwoo-hyung and we were near the small coffee shop.


He shouted causing the other people to stare at him. I slightly punched his arm and he turned to me. I gave him a 'what the hell do you think you are doing' face and he smirk.

"I'm an embarrasing hyung, right?"

I growled at him lightly and continued walking. We searched through the shops and alley ways but there's none. We only did halfway so there might be a chance.


I looked at the alley but no one. We moved on to the next. I heard someone but I thought it was in my imagination. I looked at the dark alley. Nothing but I saw something move. Wonwoo-hyung got his phone and opened the flashlight. Omo, he's choking her. I heard the girl whimpering and trying her best to gasp for air. The guy, however, is startled and now is in a short deep thought.


The mysterious guy dropped the girl and ran away. She stood up for a split second but I think fainted. We went closer but I didn't want to see that face. Kim Minsoo.

"I think we found her."

"You think?! Call Mingyu!"

Wonwoo-hyung shouted at me while he got Minsoo in his arms. I quickly got my phone and dialed Mingyu-hyung. He picked up very fast. He was panting and most likely to be very very very tired and worried.

"Yes? Found her?"

"Yeah! She's-"

I looked at her with worried eyes. She was breathing a bit fast but not as fast as before and that's great- wait no. She was being choked earlier, how is that okay?

"Not okay."

"Dang it! Faster! Bring her back!"

I nodded but I didn't even know why I did that. Hyung can't see me. I'm just panicking and out of my mind. I hung up and placed my phone back into my pocket. Wonwoo fixed her position as I pulled him to go faster. I was so worried that I almost left him. I don't even want to remember what happend just seconds ago. I want to forget that very moment we found Minsoo. Once we reached the house, the door opened fast and Wonwoo ran to put Minsoo on the couch.

"I think we should haven't shoved the fact that she hurt Chan. What happend?"

Jihoon-hyung asked while he put his palm of Minsoo's forhead. I looked at him with sad eyes. He raised an eyebrow that also made the others curious. I inhaled and got the courage to say what happend.

"Someone was choking her."

Mingyu-hyung stood up and covered his face with his hands. He also kept on slapping himself. Everyone's jaw was dropped to the floor. Wonwoo-hyung was trying to make Minsoo comfortable. Then there's Chan, ignoring what everyone was saying. He was even on his phone, playing Michael Jackson and BlackPink remixes.

"I'm such a bad brother! What was I even thinking?!"

"Calm down, Mingyu. Everyone makes minstakes."

Seungcheol-hyung got up and patted hyung at the back. He eventually sat down and Seungcheol-hyung followed. I sighed and looked at Minsoo again. She was gasping for air very harshly a while ago but now she's breathing just fine. Mingyu-hyung told us to leave because we are 'taking so much space'. I walked home with Jun-hyung to my apartment.

"Hyung, do you think Minsoo still punched Chan?"

"I'm not sure. She seemed innocent and why would she even do that."

"See?! Anyways, bye!"

"Bye, Minghao!"

I waved at him while he walked away from my apartment. I ran up to my room and just dead. I died. Directly slept on the couch. No one minds anyways. I just really hope that Minsoo is fine because, duh.

omg a minghao pov guys. this a token of gratitude..

i dont know i just really love this picture- whoops thats enough

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i dont know i just really love this picture- whoops thats enough. im being biased wrecked again by this man right here. i cry. sorry boy. sorry lol i got so bored. peace✌🏻

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