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{Minsoo's POV}
"I'm tired."

I said to Chan who was still ignoring me. I said that like 5 times already and he didn't even say anything. We were still waiting for the boat to arrive and it's been delayed for so many times.

"Don't sleep. You're going to get your eardrums destroyed by Seungkwan-hyung again."


He rolled his eyes and continued to play around with his phone. Then our gate got called and said it's finally open. I stood up and got my luggage together with the other guys. We walked to the gate and entered the boat.

"I'm so excited!"

"I'm so tired."

I rubbed my eyes to wake me up but for some reason it won't open. I stayed standing up with my eyes only 1% open. I could see but not that much. Someone shaked me but I could only respond with a 'hmm'. He, because the only people I am with are guys, shaked me again but harder.


"Move! You're in the middle of the aisle. Go left!"

It sounded like my blood related oppa. Mingyu pushed me to the left and I sat down. I leaned my head on the wall beside me. Mingyu got my luggage and put it on the over head cabinet. He sat down beside me and shaked me again.

"You alreay slept. Why are you so sleepy?"

"How am I suppose to know. Can I sleep on your shoulder?"

"Ugh, fine. But when I force you to wake up later, wake up."

I nodded and leaned my head on Mingyu-oppa's shoulder. I slept, again.

{Wonwoo's POV}
"Wonwoo-hyung, why is Minsoo always sleepy? Did someone insert a sleepy thingy in her?"

"Stop Chan, I'm trying to read."

I pushed Chan away from me so he could stop ruining my peace. I saw in the corner of my eye, he pouted. He's trying to aegyo on me again. Aish, I would kill this kid.

"You're disturbing me."


He crossed his arms and didn't disturb me for the rest of the ride. Well, that's good news but what he said got me thinking also. Why is she acting like this? This isn't the Minsoo I know, unless I don't actually know her.

{Chan's POV}

I crossed my arms and followed him. I didn't talk or moved or whatever. I just thought about why was she always sleepy? I mean everyone gets sleepy, right? But this is way too far. Did she get drugs or something? Pilld? She won't. She can't Because if she did, Mingyu-hyung will slice her head off and she wouldn't be here right now. I thought about it for the whole ride, I guess. I didn't pay attention to what time is it or how long I've been thinking but we were already here.

"Okay, get you luggage, Chan."

"Sorry, hyung. I was just... uhm, yeah..."


He had that sassy teenage girl accent and got the luggages from the top shelf. We got off the boat while Seungkwan was just running aroung screaming in excitment. We followed him out the port and we felt the cold breeze into our faces. I looked back to see the hyungs feeling it, except for Minsoo who was trying to wake up with her eyes closed. Mingyu-hyung slapped her lightly and she jumped. It's getting way too suspicious.

"Let's go! I want to eat eomma's soup again!"

Seungkwan-hyung pulled the nearest 2 people which was me and Hansol-hyung. We ran ahead of the other hyungs. He kept on pulling us while me and Hansol-hyung were just following him without questioning. We arrived at a small but decent house. He doorbelled and an old lady opened the door. She had an apron and her hair tied in a bun. She hugged Seungkwan tightly and we were just the third wheeler.



She let go of hyung and hugged us both. Me and Hansol-hyung was in a very akward situation because we had no idea what on earth is happening. She let go of us and we bowed.

"Hello. I'm Lee Chan, Seungkwan-hyung's friend."

I bowed again and she smiled.

"Hello. My name is Chwe Hansol and I'm also Seungkwan-hyung's friend."

Hansol-hyung bowed and Seungkwan's eomma gave him a good stare.

"You don't look so much Korean. Are you half?"

"Ah, yes. Half Korean and half Caucasian."

"Eomma! Have you seen my mascara?"

"It's on the 1st drawer! Seungkwan's back!"

Then, 2 girls came running to us and hugged hyung again. We were the 3rd wheeler, again. They let go of hyung and stared at me and Hansol-hyung. We bowed at them and they suddenly smiled.

"This is Eunwoo and Chaeyoung. If you called Seungkwan hyung so their your noonas!"

"So, if you're younger than Seungkwan, that means you're 10x harder to care for because Seungkwan-"

"Okay, stop it noona!"

We laughed and then Seungkwan's eomma introduced us to out noonas. The hyungs and Minsoo finally came. We introduced ourselves and get to know each other. Seungkwan-hyung said that we will eat at their old place then got to a beach rent house because their place isn't enough for more then 14 people. We all sat at the table and ate. Minsoo had an eye close and the other open which confused me.

"Minsoo, what are you doing?"

I asked her and she looked at me with a slightly angered face. I raised a brow because she was taking too long to respond.

"I'm multi tasking. Eating and sleeping at the same time."

Mostly all the hyungs facepalmed and even Chaeyoung-noona facepalmed. We looked at Minsoo again who was still doing her multi tasking thing she just invented. We all ignored her while she switched her resting eye. Okay, I know that everyone, every girl, every boy, loves to sleep but sleeping like 24/7 isn't normal. Jeonghan-hyung told me to sleep for at least 8 hours and not beyond 24 hours. I think there is something wrong. I know it. I feel it. Oh- CHICKEN!

okay so this is about to end and do not worry kiddos. i wont end it with unanswered stuff because im a gr8 author not. sorry lol and merey christmas wattpad readers lol peace✌🏻

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