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"What's with the bags?"

"Oh, I bought some scorpions and brought some home. Want one?"

I said sarcastically. Oppa tilted his head in confusion and I sighed.

"Get out of the way."

He finally unblocked the door and I entered the house. I ran to my room and place all the bags and gifts there. I'm such a responsible kid. I did an early Christmas shopping like yes boy, yes. I hid the bags in my closet because I was thinking of wrapping them later or 2-3 days before Christmas because I'm already stressed walking and thinking every second of my life. I walked out my room and ran to the bathroom. I did the routine but this time I ran out of words. I thought for a second until I thought of one. 수수 (Soo-Soo) My username in the chatrooms and the nickname Mingyu-oppa used as a kid. He rarely used it so maybe he forgot it. I traced the word on my arm and smiled after some blood fell out.

"For eomma, right?"

I nodded, cleaned the razors and placed it back like it wasn't used or touched. Hurting myself makes me feel better for some reason. It earases the guilt inside me so, I do it. I decided to do more because I was bored and all that stuff. I didn't want to go out yet so I'll stay inside for some more carving.

{Mingyu's POV}
Minsoo kept on wearing jackets or long sleeves too much. I mean, she wears it like everyday. I know she wears my jacket but she wears the jacket when she sleep and when she goes in the bathroom. I think that's weird. She left to go somewhere then came back with so many bags. I guess the shopping really does make girls happy. Aish, I question girls so much. Maybe, she did her early Christmas shopping? Maybe I'll do mine too. I grabbed my phone and texted Shua-hyung.

hyung i need your help. help me find a honey-senpai poster for soo

ohhh i saw a cool store maybe we could buy there. lets go meet you in the coffee shoo


okay see you

After that, I texted Chan.

chan, could you visit minsoo now? i need someone to watch over her? why you? oh because i need you to apologize to her. no buts. i mean get your butt out of there and go here. the doors unlocked.

Before I could even see the reply, I walked straight out the door.

{Minsoo's POV}
I am so good a carving, I swear. I drew a heart and a star on my arm and it looks great. With the color, it looks even better. I decided to draw a cresant moon. I carefully outlined it and drew it slowly.

"What the hell?!"

Someone shouted that made me press harder than it should be. It made the blood burst out of my skin and made it flow down to the drain. That's not part of the plan.

"What are you doing?!"

Someone came up to me and wiped the blood from my arm. I stared at him and recognize his face. Channy-Chan. Isn't he suppose to say sorry or what? He just accused me and this is what he does.




"Wha- oh, sorry."

He hid his face as he wiped the blood away with his perfectly white designed shirt. I pray for the shirt please bless it.

"Why are you here?"

"Hyung told me to check on you. So, hello."

I sighed and got up. I walked out the bathroom leaving him there to clean up the mess. Yes, I know, I'm savage.

"Hey! What could we do?"

He shouted while running towards me with the poor poor stained shirt. I patted his back and sighed. He looked at me and tilted his head. His bangs covered his face and he shaked his head to move it out.

"Rest in peace, Chan's shirt."

"Oh, don't worry. It's fine."

I raised my eyebrow and left him, again. I'm so savage. Call me, Soovage. I ran to the couch and turned on the t.v. I switched it to the channle that plays music videos. Right now, it's playing Russian Roulette by Red Velvet.

"Heart b-b-beat. Nananananan.... rUSSIAN ROULETTE YEAH YEAH YEAH!"

Chan came up to me and held me arms. I raised my brow again and he gave me the glare. The glare that makes my heart stop, literally, I can't breathe if he's looking at me.

"Calm down."

Was all he said to me. He let go and danced the 2nd verse of the song. I sighed and facepalmed at him. Oh, the irony. Soon, the song ended and good thing there isn't any enegertic songs or Chan will destroy and burn my house. Right now, we're watching this Kdrama because why not- no, we were very very bored. I think it's called Strong Woman Do Bong Soon?

"He's so beautiful..."

"Like me?"

"No, like all the k-idols."

"I'll be an idol!"

He stood up and crossed his arms in front of me. I rolled my eyes and pushed him out of the way because I couldn't see a thing. He is blocking the way.

"Move over."

He sighed and sat down at the couch again. Suddenly, someone just came bursting in with so many bags and a sweaty face. It's Mingyu and Joshua-oppa.

"Why is the door, UNLOCKED?!"

I pointed at Chan which made him sweat. How could I tell? Oh, I could sense the anxiety he's sensing. When Mingyu-oppa gets mad at me, I run away from him. To my room, specifically and lock the door and hide there until he knocks and say sorry.


Joshua-oppa dropped the bags and placed his hand over Mingyu-oppa's mouth. He pushed him to his room leaving the bags in front of the doorway. I sighed and continued watching the show. Joshua quickly ran back to get the bags then left again. He left the door open. I sighed and got up then closed the door. I locked it then sat back down and looked the t.v. It ended. Dang it.

"Great. Just great."

"It's okay. We'll catch up next time."

Chan came and patted my back. I glared at him while he did it.

"As if."

"It's your last? Joke! Well, I need to go now. My eomma told me to go home before 4 and it's 3:30. Bye!"

"Lock the door, pabo!"


He locked the door before closing it. He was locked outside. Not like this is his housr anyways. I decided to read because since the show is done and I have to wait for tomorrow. I got my book and glasses and read.

okays its kinda late of what time i usually post bUT DONT BLAME ME!1!1! blame the kdrama i was watching cuz it was so BOOTIFUL that i couldnt stop watching it lol. okay gtg peace✌🏻

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