
732 29 1

{Chan's POV}
"We're here! Just need to park. Wake them up already."

Seungcheol-hyung said as I grinned. He was concentrating on finding an empty spot to park the car. I spotted the other van with Sofia waving at me. I smiled and waved back at her. I looked at Minsoo still sleeping. I was given permission to wake her up.

"Thank you Lord!"

"Yes! Thank the Lord for everything!"

Joshua-hyung joined me? I don't know. I shaked Minsoo a bit hoping to wake her up slowly. Not too hard, Chan.

{Minsoo's POV}
"Minsoo, wake up. We're here."

"Get away."

I opened my eyes to see Chan's arm in between my hands. I quickly let go and saw everyone staring at me with a smirk. I blinked again to see if it was real, it is. I looked at Chan who was, is he? Blushing?

"I shifted, didn't I? I knew moving that watermelon was a bad idea."

"You dreamt about watermelons?"

"I can't control my dreams, for your information, no brain Seungkwan."

He rolled his eyes and I looked back at Chan. He was smiling. Did I hug too much? I did and that's why he's like that. /gasp/ betrayer.

"Sorry, sorry."

"For what?"

"For hugging..."

"My arm? It's fine."

He smiled and I nodded. I kind of blushed a bit. Why am I doing this? I was embarassed, why do I need to carry that huge watermelon in my dream?

"I found one! No! It's mine!"

Seungcheol-oppa was fighting for the empty praking space. Finally, he got the space, scaring the other car away to look for another one. We got off the car to feel the fresh breeze again. We took out our stuff and met again with the other van. I looked around to see nice beaches and water. We went to our room. No, we will live in one giant apartment with small rooms and 2 bathrooms. It's rented, of course.

"Can I have my own room?"

"No, Minsoo. Share, unless one wants to sleep outside."

Jihoon-oppa scolded me. I looked at Sofia and she waved. I waved back but didn't smile. Did I scare her? Did she think I was an emo person?

"Since there are 4 rooms, all rooms will have 4 people but 1 room will have 3. Okay first thing, Mingyu, Minsoo, Sofia and Hansol will share a room since they're siblings. The rest, it's war."

Seuncheol-oppa said and everyone ran to find a room. They dibs and stole the beds. They were fighting for some pillow or blanket. I don't know. My room mates walked to the room and saw 2 bunkbeds. Great. If I see another spider on the ceiling, I'm leaving.

"I'll take the low one."

I sat on the bed and took out my phone to play some games or text. Someone grabbed my phone and I looked to see who it is. Mingyu. I looked at him with a questionable face and he scolded me.

"It's vacation. Don't waste it on gadgets."

I sighed and decided to sleep but he again revealed my to the world. He took away my blanket and pillow and scolded me again.

"Ack, wake up. Get changed, we're going swimming!"

I groaned but followed. I ran to the bathroom and got changed. I wore a 3/4 sleeved top and shorts. I wore a jacket on top just to make sure nobody looks at me. I went out the bathroom to see a line.

"You're lucky you got in first, Minsoo."

"Good luck, Seokmin-oppa."

I skipped back to my room and kind of stole one of Jeonghan's old ponytails? I saw it in his bag so he probably won't mind that I stole it. I tied my hair up into a messy high ponytail, my signature hairstyle and went out the room. I saw everyone ready to go. I walked out with them to the beach.

"You're not going to swim?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

"Aish, swim with us Minsoo!"

"I'm not getting Soonyoung germs all over me."

I pushed him away and he pouted. Yeah, okay. Maybe, but most of you will probably be have no top. I don't need to see what is under it. I don't want to see it. Everyone went straight into the sea while I stayed behind with Wonwoo-oppa.

"You don't like swimming?"

Wonwoo asked while I placed my stuff down on the mini table under the giant umbrella.

"Yeah, makes my hair weird and gross."


I sat down on the bed thing and put my shades on. Wow, it's hot today. I saw some of the guys take off what they're wearing on top but ignored. I want ice cream.

"Let's get ice cream, it's hot. I can't take it."

"Okay. Minsoo! Don't look! PUT YOUR SHIRT BACK ON! SEUNGCHEOL!"

Wonwoo-oppa screamed on the top of his lungs. I guess Seungcheol-oppa isn't being a good example. Tsk tsk tsk. We walked over to a shop and ordered ice cream. I gladly took it and ate it. We walked back seeing the guys run towards me. They accidentaly bumped me causing my new ice cream to fall on the sandy floor.

"My child..."

"Oops sorry, Minsoo."

"You're dead, Chan."

He started running away from me as I chased him all around the beach.

"Get away!"

"You made me drop my ice cream!"

I chased him while the others were just laughing. They were throwing water or sand at us while we ran. I jumped on him causing him to fall on the sand. He pushed me off. I tried to get up quickly but was too late and he carried me. We were walking to the sea while I was pushing him so that I could get off but he threw me into the sea. I got up, glared at him and threw water at him.


"Ahahah! Minsoo-ah, I'll get you a new one."

I glared at him. Sand was everywhere and I'm soaked already in sea water. The salty water taste went into my mouth that I had to spit it out. I glared at him more then he dragged me to get ice cream. We ordered the same flavor and went back to see the others with water guns and buckets.

"7 on 7. Wonwoo, are you sure you won't join us?"

Wonwoo nodded as Soonyoung pouted. My team is Seungkwan, Sofia, Jihoon, Joshua, Minghao, and Seungcheol. Ahahha, I'm beating Chan. I filled my gun with water and prepared to shoot.

"3...2...1... the game starts!"

once again, im sorry for the roasts i swear i aint experienced because i dont roast people because its the other way around xD. soooooooooo, i have nothing to say so bye and eat and study well/work well and all that motivational stuff whatever. peace✌🏻

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