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"Minsoo! You've been reading for hours! Let's eat! Look, Joshua-hyung already left and you're still reading!"

"Wait, one more chapter..."

"Aish, last one and after that, you're eating."

I sighed and continued. I finished the whole freaking book in a day. I'm just so very great. I returned the book back in it's bookshelf and ran to the kitchen. Oppa was waiting for me with his stubborn face. I sat down and he started eating. I followed him and we ate quietly.

"Okay, so I was planning on having this Christmas party on December 23 or 22 with the guys.."


I murmured to myself. Gladly, he didn't hear it, I hope.

"And we need to plan it, and OH that will be the time where we exchange gifts. I'll cook!"



Guess he heard me this time. I nodded and checked the date. December 4, 7:56 p.m. Guess he's early planning already.

"So early?"

"Yeah, because we're having another vacation!"


"Don't worry, I picked a great place and we'll be staying there for a week!"

"A week?!"

"Yeah, we're going to Jeju island! It's Seungkwan's home!"

I shut my eyes in annoying and opened it again. Seriously, what is with this dude and his 'vacations'. You know everything is basic hell if we stay with those dudes. So, we're coming back home on December? Dang it, I need to ask.

"So, when are we leaving?"

"On 6. So it's 2 days from now so get packing!"

So we're going home on the 13? Dang it so far away. I'll miss this home and oh shoot, that means I couldn't carve my skin. Dang it. This day is getting worse than it already is. I got up and placed the bowl at the sink then started packing.

"For sure, I need tons of jackets and I'm tired. I'll sleep."

I gave up, fast and hopped on my bed. I tucked myself in and shut my eyes. I drifted away.

~The Next Day~
I woke up, no alarm, no Mingyu, nobody throwing me off the bed, no guys in front of me waiting for me to wake up, no one. I finally peacfully woke up. Just so peaceful.

"Soo! Pack!"

And it's not peaceful anymore. Oh my gash, Mingyu, you ruined the peacful seconds of my morning. Guess I'll need to wait for another peaceful morning, I guess. I got up and saw all my bags packed. Aish, the boy, ruining all my stuff.

"Joking! I packed everything for you! You're welcome! We're leaving today, by the way."

"I thought tomorrow!"

"I was wrong, jeez. Come on, it's a plane trip! You're sitting beside me!"

"Of course..."

I walked out my room just to make sure he won't scream on the top of his lungs again. I looked at him, all dressed while he looked at me, I just came from a typhoon. He signalled me to get ready and I just followed. I couldn't really fight him.

"Hurry up! They're here!"


I did everything 2x faster and when I got out, it's just Mingyu-oppa. He said they were here. He looked at me with 'sorry' eyes and I glared back at him in return.

"Aish, the lies."

I murmured as I left him to be. I ran to my room and got dressed. I combed my hair and walked out.

"What time will they come?"

"5 p.m and it's 10 a.m. You slept in. Why don't you sleep?"


I skipped to my room, not making obvious, and slept. Everyone needs sleep.

{Mingyu's POV}
Now that I forced Minsoo to sleep, I could wrap the gifts. I ran to my room and got all the merch I bought with Joshua-hyung in this shop.

"Aish, this kid."

I got the poster and rolled it. I then, wrapped it and placed it back at the paper bag. I wrapped the other merch and posters for the other guys. I know I forced them to watch the animes but it still counts, right? I also bought them caps that had their first letter of their name just in case they don't like it. I finally finished all the wrapping. I hid them in my room's closet and checked the time. 1pm. I need to wake up Minsoo.

{Minsoo's POV}
"Wake up! Idiot!"

I groaned and slapped someone's hand in front of me. He shrieked and touched my waist. I got up and slapped his hand.

"Don't touch me, oppa."

"It was just an accident, jeez. It's 1pm and you have 4 hours. I think they'll come here on 4pm so, yeah."

I nodded and rubbed my eyes. My vision cleared and I got up and scratched the back of my head. I looked the mirror and sighed.

"I just fixed this."

I combed my tangled hair and left my room. I already saw Seungkwan and Hansol playing around in my living room.

"Since when did you-"

"Like 4 seconds ago, literally."

Seungkwan stood up and flipped his imaginary hair. I walked up to him and flipped my own real hair while he rolled his eyes. Hansol was just judging us.

"I could sass better than you."

"Oh yeah? Fight me Seungkwan, fight me."

"Aish, fighting already?"

Mingyu-oppa walked in between us to make sure the fight of the sass queen will stop. I groaned and sat down beside Hansol-oppa who was watching in Youtube. I leaned over his shoulder to peek what he was watching. 'Pranks'

"Aigoo, for Seungkwan, right?"


He paused the video at a spider prank. You will put a paper cup anywhere and write 'don't open it, unless you want to kill it.'. He laughed evily and softly as I nodded in agreement.

"Maybe we should do that when the time is right and Seungkwan is about to explode. Okay?"


I said and nodded more than a thousand- no, a million times. I was excited to prank Seungkwannie. I got up and ran to the fridge to find something to eat. I got some cookies and went back to the couch. I ate some while looking at Hansol-oppa's phone. He was watching other prank videos. Game? Oh, game on.

i know its kinda late. its late and its...late. lol ik and i just wanna make something. WE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU SHINEE'S JONGHYUN SARANGHAEYO! he passed away and its just so sad and sad and im sad and its just very sad that he passed away because of yes. im not sure yet but its sad okay. stay strong shawol peace✌🏻

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