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"Minsoo! Come on! It's not even cold! Wonwoo! Jihoon!"


We all said together as we stared at Seokmin who was trying to convince us to swim. We had our gear ready, we just didn't want to get in the sea.


"Sea animals."


We all said our reasons. I said germs, Wonwoo and sea animals, clams and Jihoon. I didn't like seeing sea animals. It's gross, very unless it's cooked then okay but now, it's alive and moving and gross. Seokmin splashed water to us but it didn't reach. He sighed and went back to splashing water to Seungkwan. I eventually got bored of watching them so I fell asleep with my shades on.  It didn't really feel comfortable but I got over it and went to dream land.

{Chan's POV}
"Guys, I think she's asleep."

Mingyu-hyung said while squinting his eyes to have a close look on Minsoo. She is sleeping, so, I could prank her. Revenge for waking me up with the stupid loud noise that's still in my brain.

"Let's prank them."


I asked hyung who was still squinting his eyes but now he's looking at the other guys with her. I thinl they're all asleep. Wonwoo-hyung didn't do anything so I guess we will let him slide but Jihoon-hyung, he also woke up the others. Tsk, tsk, tsk, bad hyung, bad Minsoo. Here's your prize.

"Let's let Wonwoo slide cause he didn't really do anything."

Mingyu said as he filled the bucket with sand and water. I didn't understand what he want to do. Everyone looked as confused as me also.

"What are you doing?"

"Let's make a sand wall around them."

We all said 'ohh' as we helped Mingyu fill the buckets with sand. We started with the outline of the wall with sleeping Jihoon and Minsoo leaving Wonwoo outside. Wonwoo-hyung is so lucky right now.

"Shh! Don't wake them!"

"Why don't you, Kwon Soonyoung, be quiet."

The irony. We built the wall until it was finished. It's as high as the umbrella they're under. There's enough space for them to move and it's very very thick. I guess it'll be hard got them to get out. For some reason, I wish I was in Jihoon's place, stuck with Minsoo. I would be the hero and help her out.

"And now, the waiting game."

Seungcheol-hyung laughed at what he said. Then Mingyu-hyung and Soonyoung-hyung also laughed. Are my hyungs okay?

"You okay?"

"They're in the evil state."

Minghao-hyung said as he patted my back. He seemed so innocent, but I know inside, there's a pranker there. A troll.

"What happens if they get revenge on us again."

"Don't worry, my baby Chan, I will protect ya'll since Seungcheol won't."

He inhaled and I began to run away but someone caught me before I could get far enough from him. Dang it Jun-hyung, you're no help.


"Jeonghan-hyung's aegi..."

Jeonghan smiled as I groaned. You'll have your own kids, hyung. We all walked back to the sea. I stayed back to write on a paper and throw it inside.

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