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"The moon's nice."

I whispered to myself. I stared at the moon for a good amount of time until I got bored. I got my phone and plugged it to my earphones. Then, I plugged it to my ears and played some music. I played Ring Ding Dong by SHINee because it's very catchy. Once I heard it, it's probably gonna take forever until it gets out of my head. I plopped my phone back into my pocket and just ate my chips.

"I should probably get home now, it's late."

I murmured to myself. I walked home slowly so I could not get home early. I walked home while listening to my playlist. 5 songs played and I was in front of my home. I doorbelled and Mingyu opened the door with his 'what did you do' face. I tilted my head in confusion and he let me in.

"Minsoo! Why would you do that?!"

He scolded me as I continue to eat. I obviously didn't understand. I stared at him and he sighed.

"I know your little secret. Just, go to your room!"

He scolded me. This is the first time ever that Mingyu scolded me and even told me to go to my room. What did I do? Eating chips and stare at the moon is bad? I grumpily ran to my room and slammed the door. I can't believe he scolded me for nothing. I got my phone, which was still playing music but I heard him, and saw lots for messages from Chan.

minsoo! the hell?! that hurt!

i cant even believe you!

i have a black eye and bruises! minsoo this is not okay!

reply to me pabo!!

the hell?

What on earth was he talking about? Please tell me this is a prank. I didn't do anything. I swear! I'm talking to myself.

don't 'the hell?' me. you know what you did. i told the hyungs and theyre all mad at you! it hurts! this is not funny!!

then what did i do?!

beat me up for no reason! a while ago ! MINSOO WHAT THE FRIK

Beat him up? I was in the park a while a ago. Did I go drunk? I didn't even drink anything. If I did, I would be dead cause of Mingyu. I screamed in frustration. Someone must have pretended to be me. No, that can't be.

stop pranking me!

dont talk to me.

I screamed again but this time it wasn't as loud. I stuffed my face into the pillow while I heared the door open. I checked to see who it was and it's my one and only big brother.



He inhaled and closed the door. He sat down on my bed.

"Why on earth would you hurt Chan?!"

Aish, the scolding starts now.

"I didn't even do anything!"

"Stop being stupid!"

"You don't belive your own sister?!"

"They have proof. Proof that's you!"

"I was in the park!"

"See?! Look!"

He showed me his phone with a picture displayed on it. It was a girl that has the same clothing as me and was in front of the coffee shop. I didn't go to the coffee shop. I went to the small convenience store.

risking (seventeen's lee chan||dino)Where stories live. Discover now