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I got out with the towel wrapped around my hair. I sat on the couch while drying my hair. Chan was combing his hair, Seokmin was watching t.v and Jeonghan was bragging about his new shampoo and conditioner that makes his hair strong and beautiful. Even though his hair is short now, he always takes care of it because he used to have long hair. I dried my hair with his 'tips'.

"Yah, Minsoo. Stop spraying your wet hair everywhere!"


"Don't 'quiet' me! I'm older!"

"Everyone uses that! It's no fair!"

Seokmin-oppa laughed at my whine and continued watching t.v but now is more protective of staying dry. Sofia and Hansol came while Sofia sat beside me. Her hair is so pretty, wowow.

"Can I braid your hair. Sofia? I promise, it'll be pretty."

"Just don't pull my hair, unnie."

She turned around and I clapped my hands, in my mind of course. I did a basic fishtail braid. I was half way done and someone ruined everything by tickling me by the neck and waist, making me let go of the hair. All my hard work, gone.

"What the hell! Don't touch me again!"

"Sorry! I thought you won't let go or something! It's a prank, before."

"Aigoo, my hard work! Lee Chan, I will make you regret one day! Sorry, Sofia. Chan, here, ruined it and my fingers are aching. I'll braid it next time, okay?"

She nodded as she left to meet up with her brother. I turned around and saw the hard work disappearer. He looked so sorry for it but nope. That was very difficult for me.

"Forgive me, Minsoo."

"Aish. No."


He fell on his knees and put his hands together. He did his aegyo face again with the lips and eyes. I looked away because he's too cute to handle, I mean I might forgive him.

"Pwetty pwease?"


He hugged me from behind. He forced me to look into his aegyo eyes. I blushed, I think. I don't want to look into his eyes again. It got me like a tomato again.

"Aigoo, get off me and don't touch me."

"Not until you forgive me!"


"Then I won't let go."

He basically found a comfy spot and sat there waiting for my forgivness.

"Ugh, just get off me and we're good..."


"...unless you buy me ice cream!"


"Okay fine! Get off-"

"Chan! What the hell are you doing?!"

Mingyu suddenly came and glared at poor innocent Chan, Chan? Chan? Chan....-oppa? Minsoo! Shut up! Mingyu is back at it again with the glares. He's in trouble.

"I'm about to get off her! I swear!"

"Stop screaming and do what you want to!"

I pushed him off and he obeyed. I sat on the couch properly while scrolling down my phone. I realized that someone was staring to me. I looked us to see Chan staring into my phone, trying to read. His fave moved closer to my shoulder and I blushed for no reason. I was reading with this app called 'Wattpad'. Remember when I said I liked writing stories? Yeah, I found a nice app.

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