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I crumpled the letter. It's probably from that stupid Eunbin girl who can't leave me alone. She's just jealous that I'm close with Wonwoo. Class was finally done and the guys were waiting for me outside.

"Annyeong, oppas."

They all smiled and we walked home. We had a small chat, along the way, we got coffee- I mean they got coffee, I got chocolate shake. Mingyu-oppa won't allow me to have coffee yet. I know, it's sad. Anyways, we just talked until me and Mingyu-oppa has to leave. We entered the empty looking house and just collapsed on the couch. At least there's no school tomorrow.

"Minsoo, who are you thinking on going with?"

"Nobody. I'd rather date a chicken nugget than date an actual human being."

He sighed. I actually want Wonwoo to ask me so that we could talk about- aigoo, I was suppose to give him the book but I forgot. Well, I'll just give it tomorrow.

"You're craving for nuggets right now."

"I want manhi manhi. Manhi manhi manhi."

"Aigoo, I'll cook some. That's BTS  Blood, Sweat and Tears. Go think on your new song lyrics thing."

He left me and I just scrolled though instagram. Until Chan, messaged me.

Channy-Chan: you better pay me. im suffering already, why cant you? you already lost your dad, want your mom to come ?

I shivered at what he just texted me. He's scaring me. I showed the text to oppa and he looked like he could punch someone. He gave me nuggets and we ate together. I gave him the plate and went to my room to prepare my clothes. A red long dress and golden colored heels will do. Curls or waves or straight? Waves.

"Minsoo! Did you steal my jacket?!"

"Sorry! It's on the couch!"

Whoops. I guess I forgot to give oppa his jacket back. I went to sleep, hoping that people would just leave me alone. Pretend I don't exist. I thought about the text Chan sent me and gave me shivers.

~The Next Day~

I woke up, not wanting to go. I laid on my bed until oppa came in. He told me that the squad is coming over to hangout before the dance. I didn't want any visitors but oppa was still in charge. He also probably told the others that I have problems. Why? Privacy? It's somewhere. I got up and ate some pancakes he made me. Then the doorbell rang, why are they so early, what the?

"Hyung! Minsoo!"

"Excited? You never run out of energy, Seokmin-oppa."

"Aigoo, Minsoo."

Good thing not everyone was there. Just Seokmin-oppa, Hansol-oppa, Jisoo-oppa. Jisoo told me to call him Josha? Josua? Joshua? Yea, Joshua. He told me he was from Amurca? America? Yea from America like Hansol-oppa. He told me to use his english name because he's used to that.

"Who are you going with Minsoo?"

"A chicken nugget."

Hansol-oppa laughed and rubbed my head. It's messy now. It's not like it's always fixed. After some questions about America, the doorbell rang again. This time it was China Line. I could rap ya. It rhymes ya. They looked like the cutest best friends in the world. At least they know they could trust each other.

After some hours of talking and questions, the whole squad was in the house. It's so crowded here. Everyone fighting for the remote and food, like share? Wait, I don't do that. After some boredom, I took a bath so that I won't later. See, time management. I got changed into still house clothes and went to the living room and saw chaos.


"M'kay. Good luck then."


"Who said I was in your team, shortie?"

Soonyoung-oppa sticked his tounge out to Jihoon-oppa and the next thing you know is that they're chasing each other. Literal, chaos in this house. No one is quiet except for me. Even China line was screaming random stuff in Chinese. The oldest people like Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and Joshua are even screaming on who should fix Jeonghan's hair. I want to braid it. Even though it's kind of short, it's long enough to be braided.

"Okay! Guys... and girl, we should get change! It's 1 hour until the dance."

Everyone stopped for a second and they were all racing for the bathroom. I didn't race because that's stupid. Oh no, my curler is in there. Noooooo. Well, okay then. I walked to my room and locked the door. I got changed and fix my hair. I took a bath a while ago so no worries. I went out my room and I saw people lining up for my room.

"Could we use your room to change?"

"Yeah, okay. Just don't touch anything or I'll make you regret it."

Wonwoo-oppa came into my room and changed fast. I didn't wait for him, I just let him change. When he came out the others went into my room too. Woah, okay. When everyone is changed, we all went outside and walked to school. Ouch, heels.

"I want to wear sneakers. I hate heels."

"Then you'll have to be small."

Jihoon-oppa smirked and put his arm around my neck. It was heavy. Real heavy. Why don't you exercise, Jihoon?

"Who you going with?"

"A chicken nugget."

He bursted out in laughter and asked the other members. I think this joke is getting old now.

"I asked Lee Seunghee and she said yea."

Seungheol-oppa said and smiled. He was excited and jumpy. Calm down.

"Going with Park Hyerin."

Hansol-oppa said. He seemed calm unlike Seungcheol-oppa.

"Really? I'm going with Yoon Seulgi."

Jihoon said while patting my back. I will someday be taller than you Jihoon. I will someday be taller than all of you big rats.

"I'm with Jung Yujin."

Kim Mingyu, with someone? I feel bad for that girl. I wish her luck, my brother can't use his brain sometimes.

"Choi Suki."

Joshua-oppa said. Isn't she the girl who also loves God? Yea, what the hell? Joshua-oppa, you okay? Need any water or something? Yea, mostly the whole squad have dated except for me, China line and Wonwoo. We walked to the school's main building while talking about how good looking the oppas are and how dirty their shoes are already. I walked into the heated place and saw, Donuts, oh sweet mother of the Lord.

support this bookie ples. anyways, if ur sad always listen to rocket. why? oh cause ITS THE BEST peace✌🏻

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