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I went back to sleep after Jihoon-oppa said the plan. Good thing, I actually slept. He told me to wake up 4 a.m but the plan was all worth it. I woke up and got up quickly. I went out the room and closed the door quietly hoping no one will wake up. I tip toed to the kitchen seeing Jihoon-oppa waiting for me.



I got the silver pot from the cabinet and the silver serving spoon. I quietly walked to Chan's room. I suddenly smacked the pot with the spoon causing a loud noise.

"Wake up~Wake up~ Wa-wa-wa-wake up~"

"The hell?!"

Soonyoung screamed while covering his ears with the pillows. He groaned so loud as I banged the pot.

"Blame Chan! Tell me why~"


Joshua, who awoken, sang with the tune of Lion Heart. He removed the blanket covering his face and smiled. I guess he's that morning person. He suddenly covered his face again while I still banged the pot.

"Chan! You pabo!"

I moved the pot closer to Chan's ears. Hehe, I'm so evil, I swear. I could hear Jihoon's banging from the other room. I could also hear Seungcheol scolding Jihoon for his loud smacking of pot.

"Go away."


I made the slapped the pot faster and louder causing Chan to finally open his eyes. He glared at me as he got ready for chasing. I got my headstart and ran to my room with Sofia not there anymore. Perfect.

"Mingyu~ Hansol~ Wake up or I'll make this 10x louder."


I made it louder just as I promised. They both groaned and covered their ears with the pillows and blankets.

"Wake up or I'll make it louder."

"Aigoo. Minsoo, I will kill you one day."

"But you love me too much and you can't cause I have the power of aegyo!"

Mingyu groaned and got up. He slapped my shoulder and left the room. Sofia came in after with a pot and spoon. She smiled and I nodded. She slapped the pot with the spoon in front of Hansol.


"You also? I told Minsoo to stay away from you do that you won't follow her. Guess not. Leave Sofia. I'm sleepy."

"Wake up!!"

She hit the pot louder than ever. I joined her to make it twice as loud and annoying. I can also hear Jihoon screaming at the guy's ears. I also hear groaned and slaps being passed.

"Hola, hola hola oh!"

"Minsoo! I swear, I will-"

"Will what?"

"Just leave me to sleep."

Sofia shook her head in disapproval. She told me to leave so that she could take care of it herself. I nodded and went out the room.

"Hansollie! Wake up!"

She screamed while hitting the pot. I nodded my head and went to the kitchen. I saw Jihoon there, laughing.

"That was good revenge."

"See?! My plans are great!"

He said while returning the pots. Good thing we could both reach the cabinet or else we would spend years trying to get these pots. I returned mine also and we both went to the living room. We saw the guys laying there with the pillows on their faces.

"All I could hear are pots."


"Minsoo! What the hell was that for?! You just came into our room and made a lot of noise!"

Soonyoung scolded me while taking off the pillow off his head. He glared at me while I gave a signal to Chan.

"He scared me so I couldn't sleep. I said 'maybe I can make him not sleep'."

"Then what did I do?!"

"Scolding me just earlier."

He groaned and tried to sleep again. Jihoon laughed at his friend getting mad. He noticed that Seungcheol was also glaring at him.

"How about me?!"

"/cough cough/ Calling me short/cough/cough/"

"Aish, I was just teasing you."

"It's called 'bullying'."

Jihoon said while gesturing his hands like a rainbow. Seungcheol groaned and tried going back to sleep. Fortunatly, he slept unlike Soonyoung who was still trying to sleep. I saw Mingyu and Joshua sleeping already. I also saw Jun and Minghao eating some sweets. I guess they don't mind the wake up call. They're always so happy.

"Okay, since Minsoo and Jihoon woke us up, why don't we go out and eat breakfast."

Jeonghan said while brushing his hair. I guess he also doesn't mind the wake up call. See? All good, just some grumpy boys who doesn't want to wake up. We woke up the other sleeping boys again then walked to the nearest shop. We ate there and just went back to the room again. We played a game called 'who could reach the bathroom first'. I ran to the bathroom but fell on 5th place. Dang it.

"Where are we going anyways?"

I asked the person in fromt of me who happen to be Soonyoung. He was looking at me with a weird face like 'how could you not be updated'.

"The beach. So, yeah."


"Hey Minsoo. Is Taeyong your boyfriend?"

I faked a cough and stared at him. Seriously? Where did you even get that?

"The hell? No!"

"You sure? Because someone texted me this."

He got his phone out of his pocket and showed me the text.

Shukk: yo. are u soonyoung? minsoo's friend. yeah okay. im looking for her right now. she's my girlfriend and she's not talking to me. fyi, im very worried bout that. just txt me when u ask her bout me. kay? im taeyong btw

"Pfft. I don't even like him. I hate him even."

"Your face is red."

"Cause it's boiling of anger."

"Who's that anyways."

He asked. I looked away cause I'll trust him for now. I trust you for now Soonyoung. Don't go spreading this info on the other people.

"The dude who started everything."

"Your depression?"

I nodded and he nodded. He looked as shock as me when I found out I had a weird brother.

"Well, he sounds stupid when he texts."

"Pfft, because he is stupid. A stupid jerk who won't get over the past."

He nodded as he moved forward from the line. It was taking forever and finally it was my turn. I showerd then changed into a swimsuit. I put on a jacket and went out. We all went to the beach together. I didn't go straight to the pool yet but at least Jihoon and Wonwoo stayed behind.

Jihoon was I think, texting someone and Wonwoo was reading a book. I was eating cookies as I watched the guys spray water at each other. I put on my shades and watched the people. Sofia was building a sand castle with Seungkwan. Hansol and Joshua was their enemy with the sand castle fighting.

its monday tomorrow -.- i dont wanna wake up earlyㅠㅠ this ruined my weekend xD okayyy hope u stay loyal to ur bias which is nearly impossible. peace✌🏻

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