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I didn't sleep when Mingyu told me to. I couldn't. I can't sleep while a thought of me getting stabbed in the middle of the night is in my brain just walking and I have a cold. I can't stop sneezing. It's already midnight and us 5 were just binge watching anime.

"Okay, another season to get your mind off things!"

"Did you guys do this where you're bored, Mingyu-hyung?"

"Yeah, Seungkwan. We did it last night and that's why she was drinking coffee. Now quiet it's starting!

We payed out attention to the screen and just watched it until Sunday happend.

{Taeyong's POV}

I hung up and looked over at Mrs. Kim. She's dead in a few months.

"You can't! I'll never let you! That money is her'sand her oppa's!"

"Ahaha, you're so funny. It was suppose to be mine, right? Mrs. Kim, if you didn't know, you didn't pay us, correct? We were waiting, and we were patient on you, now we can't wait to smell that money!"

I smiled evily at her bloody covered face. It was so hard getting her to give us information on what number the house was. Jeez.

"Taeyong, you idiot. I won't let you kill me and won't let you steal their money."

She coughed and I laughed at her weak self.

"I can do what I want to do. I'll reset the day. 7 years ago. Her nightmare will start again."

"It wasn't even her fault!"

"Yes but, Mrs. Kim, I confessed to her and she didn't even listen. I was ignored and was left alone with no answer. All she said was 'okay', she didn't even do anything about it!"

"She was young! Around 8 years old! How does a young girl respond-"

"Shut up or we will just kill you."

"Okay then kill me and leave them alone."

Ugh, why on earth is she so hard to deal with.

"Oh wait, better plan. I'll stop aiming the gun at you and on aim it on Mingyu. How's that?"

Her jaw dropped. Best plan I ever made in my whole life.


I randomly screamed that made Mrs. Kim confused. I can't. I'm forced to. What am I even saying? This is my chance to get revenge. I don't want- I want revenge.

"I'll aim it on Mingyu, then you and Minsoo can work hard for that money, eh? See?"

I called their house again, hoping they would answer. It's about midnight there, I hope they're awake.

{Minsoo's POV}

"The theme songs are great."

"Yeah, I know, Chan! Finally someone who agrees with me!"

Mingyu-oppa said. Suddenly the phone rang again. I was too scared to answer it so Mingyu-oppa did it. He asked me to go with him outside. We left the others to continue watching the show. Me and Mingyu-oppa walked outside and accepted the call. He put it on speaker.


"Ahh, Mingyu-hyung. Long time so speak. May I please talk to Minsoo, very important."

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