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I placed my phone on the small table beside my bed. It's blowing up with notifications. From Chan, Wonwoo and Soonyoung. Mingyu was in front of my locked bedroom door, saying 'open please' again and again. Gah, it's so annoying.

"Be quiet!"

"Open the door!"

"I need space!"

"I have food!"

I got up and quickly walked to the door. I unlocked it and saw Mingyu holding a plate of chicken nuggets. He held it out and I took it. I closed the door which made him whine.

"Minsoo-ah, you're mean!"

"Pfft. Yeah, right."

He opened the door because I forgot to lock it. Way to go, Minsoo. He sat beside me as I eat my beautiful nuggets. He stared at me for some reason. I was still sad about Taeyong changing the deadline. Can not you see my pocket? It's empty unless you call bubble gum wrappers money then I'm rich. When we took that vacation, we were suppose to be away from reality but reality striked back. I-

"Minsoo? Minsoo!"

I snapped out of my deep thought and looked at Mingyu who was still snapping in front of my eyes. I moved the hand away and he sighed in relief.

"I thought you were possesed."

"The hell?"

I finished the nuggest and gave the plate to him. He left the room to put it back in the sink but he came back again. This time, we have akward silence.

"What are we gonna do with eomma?"

"I honestly don't know."

He said and I got my phone and tried to dial eomma. I still have her number from Mingyu but it was old. Suddenly, the phone got picked up.


"Eomma? Are you okay?"

"Minsoo? Oh my goodness, you're okay?"

"I'm always okay. Why wouldn't I be-"

"Dear, he's coming for you and your oppa."

I stayed silent. He's coming back? Taeyong, that stupid jerk is coming back? I gave the phone to Mingyu and he placed it on speaker.


"Mingyu! Taeyong already took the plane going to Korea. He said he'll be there Halloween."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine just a little stiff."

"Can you escape?"

"His friends are watching me."

"How did you-"

"Not like directly watching me- no wait. I'm in their little cell thing then my phone vibrated. I asked to go to the bathroom and luckily they let me so they probably think I'm doing number 2."

"What will we do?"

"Just hide from him. Oh crap, I think they're knocking."

She hung up and I looked at Mingyu. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. I ran to the small closet and got Mingyu's baseball bat. I slowly opened the door and held the bat tight. I closed my eyes and opened the door completly.

"Fight me Taeyong!"

I kept my eyes closed and start swinging the bat. I didn't hit anything though, just air.

risking (seventeen's lee chan||dino)Where stories live. Discover now