You will carry our precious baby

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'Why...why do you keep saying that, Soondeok ah, hm?'

'Because I know it'll happen. Time changes everything. People change, their feelings changes. As time goes on, you will get tired of me ... just like what happened with you and Haesoo-'


(Eun punches the wall with his fist, it bleeds – but Eun doesn't care, his heart hurts more than his fist now; their panting echoes around the room.)


(Eun's tears flow down, Soondeok looks away, not wanting to be swayed by the sight of her man crying for her. Eun holds Soondeok's hand.)

'Listen to me, darling. If you want to go, I'll let you go – if that's what you really want to do.'

(Soondeok tries to hold in her emotions, tries to stop herself from wailing, tries to stop herself from kissing the man she loves)

'You will?'

'But know that, you're not doing it for my sake, you're sentencing me to death. If you really love me, you'll stay. If you really love me, you'll believe in me, believe that I will love you forever. If you really love me, you'll believe in miracles, just like I do.'

'Your highness...'

(Eun takes the ring out and puts it back on Soondeok's finger)

'Soondeok ah. It's my fault that you constantly think I'll cease to love you...because of how I treated you when we first got married...I really am sorry for those times. I promised you haven't I? That I'll make up for what I've done, please give me a chance to, Deok ah.'

(Eun touches Soondeok's cheek, wiping away her tears, his blood dripping down from his hand slowly)

'I know you tend to take the blame on yourself, everything, because you still think you're the one who killed your mother, I know that, Deok ah...I once blamed myself too for the death of those around me.'

', this is getting us nowhere. No, I have to leave, your highness, please, let me go.'

(Soondeok attempts to stand her ground but Eun pulls her back into his embrace)

'Soondeok ah, let's not let these things separate us, hm? The tougher the time, the more important it is for us to stay together, Deok ah.'

'What about Grandpa? He's-'

'And you don't have to worry about grandpa, I'll deal with him myself, alright? I don't want you to worry about it, understand?'

'You don't understand. Grandpa is-'

'Like what I've said before, it doesn't matter if we have children or not, as long as I'm with you, I'm happy.'

(Eun looks at his wife deep into her eyes)

'Yet will you say so after 10 years, when all those around you have become fathers? Your relatives...'

'I don't live for them, Deok ah – it's my life, and you your's, so stop living for others. Before you know how to love another person, you must know how to love yourself first. You're a kind girl, I'm sure you know what I mean.'


'I love you, Soondeok ah. And it's my fault that you're under this pressure now, so let me be that person to share the load with you, honey. Please. I know you don't want to leave, I know you want to stay. Stay with me, Deok ah. Please...'

Diary Entry - Eundeok Married Life (Baekhera) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now