Micheal Wheeler x Reader: Pacify Her

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(In this oneshot El's gonna act kind of like....a bitch- I mean a mouthbreather! Oh! And Y/n's gonna have powers too!  Like in the Pacify Her video.
Well, on with the story!)

It was only Mike, El and I down in Mike's basement, the guys were at home, doing who knows what, us three were playing board games and making jokes, it was quite easy to tell that Eleven heavily disliked me, like El, I had powers, my powers were to be able to read and communicate with people through their minds, I also had a few more powers that were kinda hard to explain.

I was getting kind of bored, I used my powers to bring a pen and paper over to my lap, I took the pen and neatly wrote on the paper 'do you want to play?" , I took the paper and handed it to Mike, he looked at me in confusion, he read the note and I nodded my head toward the D&D set sitting on a table, he smiled widely and excitingly nodded his head, he stood up and I grabbed his hand, before I got to lead him over to the table, a heavy force pushed me back , I looked behind me to see Eleven had blood coming out her nose and her eyebrows were furrowed, my smile turned into a frown when she grabbed Mike's hand and made him sit back down next to her.

I sighed in frustration and sat back down next to Mike, I glared at Eleven, two can play at that game!

I grabbed the rubber band off of my wrist and used my powers to roughly flick it at her forehead, she winced in pain and gave me a dirty look, Eleven held Mike's hand tightly and he looked at her "what's wrong El?" He asked in concern, she shook her head and smiled at him.

I used my powers and turned my head to the side, the A.C went down majorly and Mike shivered, I passed him a fuzzy blanket and smiled at him, he smiled back "thanks Y/n!" He said happily "you're welcome!" I looked back at Eleven and she look pissed.

Eleven glared at me and kissed Mike's cheek, he turned cherry red and clutched onto the blanket. I glared at her and my whole face contorted into one of anger. She looked like she was going for his lips this time so I quickly looked around, I saw Mike's little sister, Holly's old pacifier lying on a dirty stool, I hurriedly used my powers and shoved it in Eleven's mouth, her eyes widened and she quickly spit it out, Mike looked at me and his eyes widened and his mouth dropped in surprise "d-did you just-" "yes Micheal, yes I did" I interrupted with a smirk, I used my powers and entered Eleven's mind.

"Paybacks a bitch" I thought, she clutched her fists and used her powers to throw the D&D set at me, I dodged it and she got even angrier. This time I entered Mike's mind "Micheal, be honest, do you actually love her like you claim to?" He looked at me and responded "o-of course I-I do", I glanced at him sadly then looked away, he sighed and looked at me "but I love you more" he mouthed to me, I smiled widely "I love you too" I mouthed back, Eleven seemed to notice this and squeezed Mike's hand to the point where he was trying to let go "Oww! El! You're hurting me!" He said as he let go of her hand and clutched his own.

"I can't believe you would hurt someone you love, El" I said as I shook my head, she glared at me and screamed "STOP!" Her scream was so ear piercing that I had to cover my ears.
"Mike, you should just tell her, I don't like this rivalry going on between us, please just explain it to her" I said, he shook his head "mouthbreather" Eleven said out loud and pointed to me "you know what? Fuck this! Guess what El? You're a mouthbreather too! We're all mouthbreathers! We all breath air, it's a natural thing! All humans do it! I'm sick of you trying to ruin my life just because you're jealous that Mike won't pay attention to you! He gives you attention every fucking day! So can you be a decent human being and just accept that I'm Mike's friend, guess what? I'm not going to go away, you can try all you want but you'll never succeed! Okay? So please, stop acting like a fucking brat and just be a nice person, okay?! You don't have to like me! You don't even have to be friends with me, even if I want to be friends! Just please accept that I'm Mike's friend also and I'm always going to be here for him!" I yelled out, the room fell quiet and she slowly nodded and looked down in guilt.

"I'm sorry..." she whispered "it's alright...I'm sorry for yelling at you El...can we just be friends? It's alright if you don't want to but-" "I would like that" she smiled at me and looked at me apologetically "alright!" I smiled back "...and I'm sorry I pacified you" I giggled and she laughed as well.

Mike looked at us in surprise and gave us both a look that said 'what the hell just happened?' We looked at him and both laughed, Mike sighed deeply "El, I have to-" "I understand...what's going on b-between you and Y/n" she said as she glanced at both of us and smiled "oh" he said in surprise.

"Alright well, Y/n, I need to tell you something, I-I love you" he said awkwardly "I love you too, Micheal Wheeler" I said with a giggle, he quickly kissed me and hurriedly pulled away "Mike, you're the most awkward kisser I've ever known, let me show you how to kiss somebody" I giggled as I grabbed his cheeks and pulled him in for a deep kiss, he blushed heavily and soon got the hang of it and kissed back quickly, we pulled away a few minutes later and I looked behind me at Eleven, she was munching on an Eggo and nodding her head in approval.

Well, that took forever, also sorry, the end was SO cringe 😬, lol just kidding! 😂, Anyways, how was this? It was pretty long and dramatic!

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