Dustin Henderson x Reader: Ocean Eyes

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People wanted Dustin ❤️

I grinned as I watched a certain boy from afar, I was currently at a crowded cafeteria table, everyone was happily eating their food or complaining about it.

The boy I was staring at was sitting at a table, he was surrounded by his four friends. Mike, Max, Lucas and Will. He wasn't wearing his trucker hat today, which showed his beautiful curly hair, which gone nicely with his gorgeous blue eyes, the same eyes that made me swoon every time I looked at the boy.

He was eating a small container full of chocolate pudding, which caused the pudding to get a little bit smudged on his face, I bit my lip and tried to contain my smile.

I got distracted when I felt something hot touch my bare skin, I screeched and looked down at myself, someone had spilled their soup all over me.

"Shit!" I heard the person mutter "what the-" I was about to scream out before I looked up at the person "hell" I whispered, my mouth shot open, it was the same beautiful boy.

"I'm so sorry!" He muttered and grabbed a few paper towels, I heard a snort and looked over at Troy Harrington "nice going Toothless, you crashed into the most popular girl at school" he laughed loudly and everyone else laughed too, Dustin looked hurt.

"It's alright, he did nothing wrong" I smiled at the boy, his eyes widened and everyone gasped "You're supposed to make fun of the nerd! Not praise him!" I looked at the kids in confusion "why would I be rude to someone? That's not right, don't hurt people just because you're hurting also" I commented and helped Dustin clean the mess.

"T-thanks" he stuttered and slightly smiled, showing his new, grown in teeth "no problem" I grinned.

I looked down as I cleaned up the mess, I saw a small piece of paper and carefully picked up the soaked paper "what's this?" I asked the boy with beautiful blue eyes, he looked at me nervously "it's nothing! Just, don't read it!" He licked his lips and tried to take the paper from my hands.

Dustin groaned as he heard the school bell ring, signaling lunch was over "just, give it to me after school!" He said in a rush as he hurriedly ran to his locker, I sighed and opened up the folded paper.

It was sloppily written and had a big heart at the top of the paper, though, I knew it was wrong to go against his word, I was a curious person.

"If only I could tell you how I felt without getting laughed at by the whole school, but, I wrote this for a special someone, a girl who makes my heart race, I'm not very good at these shitty cheesy things but, this letter is for the one and only Y/n L/n, the most popular girl in Hawkins, I'm never going to give this to her, but if she somehow ends up with it, I just want her to know, that I love her, possibly more than snacks and my paddles"

I read the letter out loud and a grin made it's way to my face, he finally feels the same way, I bit my lip and held the letter to my chest.

If only he knew, that I love him too, him and his beautiful blue eyes.


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