Troy Harrington x Reader: Misunderstood...

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Everyone says his last names Harrington, so I'm going with it.

"Ladies and gentlemen gather around, the freak shows in town!" Troy Harrington walked up to my group of friends, Dustin groaned, Lucas frowned and Micheal rolled his eyes, I just stood there.

"Midnight" Troy punched Lucas' shoulder "Frog Face" He also punched Mike's shoulder "and Toothless" He lastly punched Dustin's shoulder, I sighed and shook my head, then, Troy and James looked at me "I still don't get why you hang out with these loser's Y/n" Troy sighed "they may be loser's and nerds, but their still my best friends" I giggled, Mike glared at me, and Dustin playfully elbowed me "Yeah! Wait what?" Lucas asked "c'mon, you guys know you're nerds, you play Dungeons and Dragons and-" "alright! We get it" Mike tried to cover up his smile.

"I still don't get it" Troy rolled his eyes "of course you don't" Dustin sighed, Troy glared at him "what did you say Toothless?" "Nothing" he muttered "he's saying you're an idiot!" Mike yelled, Troy glared "that's it! You're dead Wheeler!" Troy yelled as he was getting ready to launch at him, I rolled my eyes and pulled Troy away from Mike.

"Listen, you need to be nicer to people" I spoke as I pointed to Troy "why would I want to be nice to-" "c'mon Troy, you know you wanna be friends with us! We're pretty awesome" I winked, he glared but his cheeks turned slightly pink.

"Y/n, never in a million years would we be friends" Troy crossed his arms and glared at the boys "we could try!" I smiled as I slung my arm around his shoulder.

He rolled his eyes and pushed my arm off his shoulder, he groaned "whatever, I don't have time to deal with you loser's" he spat and walked away with James following.

"Well, that was a fail" I muttered and the boys shrugged, we all walked to our classes and ignored what happened.

(Time Skip)

I gathered my stuff as the bell rang, I looked to where Troy was sitting, he wasn't acting like himself, his head was slouched against his desk and he seemed saddened.

After everyone left for lunch, I walked over to his desk and took a seat beside him "hi" I smiled, he lifted his head "why are you still talking to me? Go hang out with those loser's" he muttered "well, I want to know what's wrong! Maybe we could become friends! You don't seem too bad" I shrugged, he raised his eyebrows "really? I thought you hated me" "that's my friends, not me" I giggled, his cheeks reddened and he tried to hide the smile forming on his face.

"I don't hate you, in fact, I think you're nice, under all the bullying, I believe you could be a sweet person, you just need a good influence!" I grinned, he shrugged "you're quite cute too, has anyone ever told you that?" I asked him, he furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head "no, it's mostly that I'm rude, or cruel" I scooted closer to him "well, you could change! I could help you! I don't believe that you're cruel, you're just misunderstood" I smiled and got up from the seat, I put my hand out in front of me "so, Troy Harrington, would you do me the honor of going to lunch with me?" I asked the boy, he thought for a while but nodded, he let out a small laugh "you're a dork" I smiled even wider "I know!" I grinned, we linked arms and headed out the classroom door.


This sucked.

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