Micheal Wheeler x Reader: sHE'S brOKen

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Part 4 of My Boy.
Sorry it took SOOOO long. ❤️
Bold: Lyrics
Italics: Flashbacks

Another story of girl meets boy and gets destroyed, another promise, broken in two, the lucky view of fiction.

As I was huddled up into a ball, my sobs grew heavier, I knew he would never come to see me, he didn't care for me like that, he just liked playing with my heart.

He just likes to break me, again, and again, and again, and again.

Fade away, fade away, teach me how to fade away, another story of girl meets boy.

He's okay, she's broken, he's the ocean waves, she's choking, fade away, fade away, teach me how to fade away, another story of girl meets boy.


As I walked up to Derry High School, there was a frown on my face, I was gripping the strap of my backpack and my eyes were bloodshot with bags under them.

"Y/n!" Beverly called me over as she waved, I slowly walked over to the group "woah! What the hell happened Y/n?!" Richie yelled out and rushed over to me, tears flowed from my eyes as I looked at the boy, he wasn't wearing his glasses today, which made me feel even sadder.

"What's wrong?" Richie asked as his voice softened, which made him sound like Mike, even though he was the polar opposite "I-I m-m-miss him, a-and you l-l-look just like h-him" I muttered as I felt my eyes well up with tears.

"Who're you talking about?" Bev asked in confusion "Mi-" "me" I heard someone mutter, I turned around and saw the boy standing there, his fists were clenched and he looked as if he had been sobbing "M-Mike" I muttered "y-you're not real...you can't be" I muttered, the boy ran up to me and engulfed me in a hug, my breath hitched and I hugged him back tightly as I cried into his shoulder.

"Uh, Y/n-" "should we tell her?" "Of course we should tell her!" "But she really seems to love this kid-" I ignored the boys and gripped the boy tighter, this time it felt real, like he was actually here, it felt real, but he felt off.

So picture perfect, it can't be real and all you feel is numb, you see them talking but hear no sound to hit the ground and fade.

He's okay, she's broken, he's the ocean waves, she's choking.

I sniffled and pulled away from the boy, I wanted to hold him forever, but I didn't believe it was actually him, and I was right.

As I pulled away, I saw nothing, nothing but a clown, peeking through a tree, my breath hitched, it wasn't real, it was make believe.

I sobbed even louder and the Loser's pulled me into a hug "Y/n, whoever this boy is, you need to forget about him, all he does is-" "I can't Beverly! Don't you see that? I've tried..." I spoke as my voice slightly cracked.

She sighed and rubbed my back as I cried into Richie's shoulder.

Long Time Skip

I sighed as I slammed my locker door shut, but I tensed up as I felt someone pull me into a hug from behind, I turned around and frowned "that's not funny Richie" my frown deepened, the boy was dressed exactly like Mike, I've showed Richie a few pictures of the boy, so he'd know what he'd look like.

He had on his slightly dirtied converse, his classic odd sweater, his dark brown pants, his slightly wavy hair, and he didn't have his glasses on.

Richie looked at me in confusion "what are you talking about Y/n?" He asked, my breath hitched, he even tried to imitate him by making his voice go slightly higher.

"You know what happens when you bring up Mike...it's already hard enough looking at you without seeing him, and now you do this?" I sighed and leaned against my locker, clutching my books and papers to my chest.

His face grew even more confused "what are you talking about? I'm right here! And who's Richie? You're confusing me Y/n, I just wanted to surprise you since I haven't seen you in 3-" "yeah, I know 353 days, cut the shit Richard" I rolled my eyes as I grew annoyed.

But I started to wonder, how was he able to get the exact same outfit as Mike? The same perfect hairstyle? How did he make himself look just like Mike? Besides the facial features of course.

The boy grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to his warm body, I could feel his breath on my neck, he bit his lip but soon connected his lips and my own, my eyes widened, I was about to pull away until I tasted the same sweet peppermint taste, the same taste I would taste when I would kiss Mike.

I now knew that it wasn't a coincidence, if it was with Richie, my heart wouldn't be beating so fast, I wouldn't be blushing as red as a cherry, and most importantly, I wouldn't feel as if I was in love again.

He pulled away and looked My in my eyes "does this convince you?" He asked, my eyes filled with tears "Mike..." I whispered and pulled him in for a tight hug.

He was actually here! He wasn't a figment of my imagination, he wasn't a stupid clown pretending to be Mike, it wasn't Richie, it was actually Mike.

(Don't need it, d-don't need it)
Don't want it, don't need it, don't want it
Don't want it, don't need it, don't want it
Don't want it, don't need it, don't want it.

Omg, I'm so sorry, ITS BEEN LIKE A MONTH, JESUS!!! IM SO SORRY! I promise I'll try to update regularly, if you want another part, let me know, I'll post it faster! Since this "story" isn't finished yet.

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