IT x Reader x ST: Control

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About bipolar disorder, and other disorders, if you don't like, please don't read, thank you ❤️

Bold: Lyrics
Italics: Flashbacks

They send me away, to find them a fortune, a chest filled with diamonds and gold. The house was awake, with shadows and monsters, the hallways, they echoed and groaned.

I searched around my house in fear, I heard a creak come from the kitchen, I shut my eyes and breathed in deeply, I tried to calm myself, to not change moods so suddenly.

"Please don't be IT" I whispered to myself and grabbed my brothers (just pretend) wooden baseball bat, I clutched it tightly and gulped, I shook with fear, my eyes watered, I slowly walked into the dimly lit kitchen and sighed in relief when nothing was there, but the faucet was on.

I sat alone till the morning, I'm crying "They're coming for me" and I tried to hold these secrets inside me, my minds like a deadly disease.

I tried to ignore my thoughts and walked through the crowded hallway of Derry High School, I was a freshman, which meant I would most likely get bullied.

I heard many whispers, whispers from many students, and many whispers from inside my head, some positive voices, and other very negative. Voices and whispers that could change my mood in seconds, although I just moved from Hawkins, Indiana, I prayed that Derry would be better than Hawkins, I had too many bad experiences there. One of my best friends had gone missing, my other best friend and boyfriend of three years had been cheating on me with a lab experiment, (ahem, you know who.) basically every other kid there hated me, my brother was found chewed up and dead, my mother and father always loved and favorited him, so, when he was found deceased, they blamed it on me.

I'm bigger than my body, I'm colder than this home, I'm meaner than my demons, I'm bigger than these bones.

Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention, everyone was pretty freaked out when I stuck a metal rod through the "Demogorgon's" mouth.

I got pulled out of my thoughts when I felt myself get knocked over "watch where you're going little lady" I heard someone whisper, my eyes furrowed in disgust as I looked at a boy, a teenager, about sixteen, he had a disgusting mullet, he winked at me and I groaned in discomfort.

His flirty smile turned to anger when he realized that I was disgusted by him, he glared at me and pinned me up against a locker, my disgust also turned to anger "get your disgusting hands off of me" I whispered, suddenly, I noticed he had pulled out a switchblade, I glared at the boy and started to squeeze his wrists, he cried out in pain, I snatched the knife from him and turned us around so he was pinned against the locker, I may have been smaller than him, but that didn't matter "mess with me again, and I'll slit your fucking throat" I muttered and inched the knife closer to his neck, it was obvious that his "friends" had already bolted, he nodded and shut his eyes closed. I closed the knife and stuck it in my pocket.

And all the kids cried out "please stop, you're scaring me" I can't help this awful energy, god damn right, you should be scared of me, who is in control?

Many kids looked at me in fear, most were the same age as me, either thirteen, or fourteen, and the upperclassmen just rolled their eyes in annoyance.


"Y/n! Stop! You're hurting her!" I heard a familiar voice yell out, I turned around, my hand still raised, and my nose still bloodied, I dropped to the ground, exhausted. Eleven was huddled up in a ball, she seemed scared, and it was my fault. I had hurt the girl, not on purpose, but because of my emotions, my jealousy, my anger, my own pain.

I would never hurt her on purpose, but seeing Mike and her hurt, it hurt me just like everything else in my life.

The sleeves of my sweater were rolled up, so it exposed my number, 013. The unlucky number, the number people believe is tied to evil, maybe that's why I always hear evil voices in my head.

"You hurt her! What is wrong with you?! What is wrong with you!" Mike yelled out and ran over to the hurt girl, I never told my friends of my disorder, I tried to act natural, I tried to act normal, but I knew I wasn't, I was a insane lab experiment, a girl who would never be normal, even if she tried.

Dustin and Lucas stood still, like they were frozen, like they had seen a completely different side of me. "I-it's not my fault, I-I-" I tried to say, but it came out as a whisper, he could still hear it, but I don't think he cared "j-just go home" he said loudly and paid his attention to Eleven.

"B-but I-" "just go!" He yelled out, I nodded sadly and stared at the boys one last time, they all seemed shocked and angered, Mike held Eleven close to him and she weeped into his sweater, Dustin shook his head and Lucas just glared at me.

I paced around for hours on empty, I jumped at the slightest of sounds, and I couldn't stand the person inside me, I turned all the mirrors around.

I sighed as I stood in front of the mirror of my bathroom, my mother and father were out for a while, leaving me all alone. I heard a loud laugh and screamed, my body jumped and shivered, I closed my eyes in fear, I could hear the voices in my head talking to me again "go away! Go away! Go away!" I yelled at myself and held my head, I sobbed as I leaned against the bathroom wall.

I looked at the evil number on my arm and my sobs got louder, all because of these idiotic scientists, I'm the way I am, they're the ones who made me like this, made me insane, unlikeable, unlovable.

I'm bigger than my body, I'm colder than this home, I'm meaner than my demons, I'm bigger than these bones.

And all the kids cried out "please stop, you're scaring me" I can't help this awful energy, god damn right, you should be scared of me, who is in control?

"Leave me alone!" I screamed loudly, kids in the hallways looked at me in concern and fear "what is she on?" I heard a whisper and a laugh, anger bubbled up inside me and I looked at the boy with anger, he had thick glasses and dark brown hair with matching eyes, but the thing that stood out the most was, he looked exactly like Mike.

I started to sob and hot tears fell down my reddened cheeks, the boy's laughter stopped as a younger boy nudged him "ow!" He shouted and rubbed his arm in pain.

I'm well acquainted with villains that live in my bed, they beg me to write them, so they'll never die when I'm dead, and I've grown familiar with villains that live in my head, they beg me to write them so I'll never die when I'm dead.

I'm bigger than my body, I'm colder than this home, I'm meaner than my demons, I'm bigger than these bones.

"I miss you so fucking much, you have no idea, I'm all alone without you, mom hates me, dad hates me, everyone at school hates me, Mike hates me, the whole party hates me, no one understands, but you understood, I wish you were still here with me to understand" I sobbed as I clenched my brothers baseball bat, he was younger than me, he was only six, but he understood and loved me more than anyone had, he would always comfort me, he didn't care about my disorders, he loved me anyways, he was the only one who loved me, and now he's gone.

And all the kids cried out "please stop, you're scaring me" I can't help this awful energy, god damn right, you should be scared of me, who is in control?

And all the kids cried out "please stop, you're scaring me" I can't help this awful energy, god damn right, you should be scared of me. Who is in control?

This is crap.

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