Richie Tozier x Reader: Daddy Issues...

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This might be a quick chapter, I was rushing...

I sighed as I pulled down the sleeves of my sweater, a frown was visible on my face as I walked into class, I took a seat next to one of my best friends, Richie Tozier.

As I sat down, a smile made it's way to his face, he playfully punched my shoulder and I winced, but he didn't notice "hey Y/n!" He grinned, I didn't respond as I laid my head onto the desk.

He stared at me for a bit, noticing the look on my face "Damn...didn't know it was that time of the month" he chuckled, but frowned when he saw my sad face "what's wrong?" He asked as he scooted his desk closer to my own.

I shook my head and sat up "it's nothing Rich, I just didn't get that much sleep last night..." I muttered, he nodded, clearly buying my lie "hey! How about you sleep over at my house tonight?" He asked, I was surprised, he hasn't made one sexual joke yet.

I shook my head "I can' father would kill me" I slightly chuckled, he frowned. Richie didn't know about the abuse I had to put up with, the verbal and physical abuse...

"Y/n, how are you not burning up? You're wearing a fucking sweater! It's summer!" He mentioned, I shrugged as I chewed on the bubblegum in my mouth, blowing a pretty big bubble.

If only you knew.


"Ew" I muttered as Richie and Bill stepped inside the disgusting sewers "c'mon Y/n" Richie motioned me over, I shook my head and looked down in disgust "aren't you guys coming in?" Richie ask, Eddie shook his head also "uh uh, that's greywater!" He exclaimed, my eyebrows scrunched "what the hell is greywater?" Richie and I asked in unison, Eddie looked at the dirty water "it's basically...piss and shit! And I'm just telling you, you guys are splashing around I millions of gallons of Derry pee" I cringed, ew.

Richie was about to speak until he noticed the bruise on my neck, his eyebrows furrowed angrily "is that a hickey?!" He yelled out, everyone's eyes widened, I looked at him in confusion as I covered the bruise with my hand, I shook my head " dad-um-I fell down" I lied, wow, great cover up.

They all glared at me, not believing the lie, but they all dropped it"

Richie picked up a branch from the sewers, he lifted it up to his nose and sniffed it "don't smell like caca to me señor" he chuckled, I rolled my eyes in disgust, Eddie gagged "what-are you-have you-have you ever heard of a staph infection?!" He yelled out, Richie smirked and held the branch to his crotch "oh I'll show you a staph infection!" He grinned mischievously, as Eddie rambled on, Richie picked up a soaked trash bag with the stick, and flung it at Ed, Eddie barely dodged it I time.

"What are you-are you-are you retarded?!" He shouted out, I rolled my eyes, their so annoying.


"C'mon Y/n, we all have to do it!" Richie mentioned, Bill held a knife in his hand as everyone gathered into a circle, I pulled down the sleeves of my oversized sweater, and frowned "b-but I-I- I can't" I stuttered nervously, they all looked at me in confusion "w-why not?" Bill asked in curiosity.

I sighed, they're my best friends...but I can't tell them, Beverly would understand, but would the boys?

"What the hell is that?!" Richie yelled out as he ran up to me "wha-" he pulled up my sleeves, even though I desperately tried to stop him, he examined all the cuts and bruises on my arms with an angered face.

His face softened "who did this?" He asked as he held my wrist carefully "it doesn't ma-" "Y/n" he gave me a stern, but gentle look.

I sighed "my father" I whispered, he looked at me sadly and pulled me in for a hug, he held me gently, I knew he knew what it felt like.

His mother is basically the same way, she gets drunk, and says and does hurtful things.

"I'm sorry N/n" he muttered "why didn't you tell us?" He asked "I-I was scared" I muttered, he sighed and hugged me tighter.

"We'll help you" Richie muttered as he looked back at the group, they all nodded "promise?" I asked softly, Richie nodded "promise."

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