Dustin Henderson x Reader: Forget Stacy, You Have Me!

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I recently re-watched the Stranger Things Snow Ball scene, and I was SO sad/mad that those two bitches rejected poor little Dustin! So, I made this!

Warning: Swearing

I was so happy/excited for today! Most people would ask why, so, here's the answer! Today's the Snow Ball! It's a dance set up with beautiful decorations, me, being the girl with no friends, had no one to go with, I would ask my crush, Dustin Henderson, but I'm way too shy.

I picked out a pretty, long f/c dress and slipped it on, I picked out a pair of low-heeled heels and put them on with ease. I did my hair and put on a bit of makeup, I looked at myself in the mirror and blushed, I looked so...pretty.

I grabbed my small purse and rushed out the door, I hurried to my bike and kicked up the kickstand, shit! I'm wearing heels! It's gonna be a pain to peddle! I sighed and pushed through it.

(Time Skip)

After several minutes of peddling and stopping to heal my feet, I finally made it to Hawkins Middle School, I straightened my dress and pushed the doors open, the large room was decorated beautifully, white and blue streamers were hung and the same colored balloons too! I smiled and looked around, I looked over to a certain group of boys and smiled, I saw Dustin had his hair up in a curly mullet-looking-hairstyle, he had on a blue dress coat with some nice brown pants. I was tempted to walk over and compliment them, but then I remembered, oh yeah, they don't even know I exist...

I sighed and walked over to the punch bowl, I grabbed a small red cup and poured in some fruit punch, I took a few sips and set it down on the table, I walked over to the wooden bleachers and sat on them, I set my elbows on my thighs and held my head up with my hands, I was watching everyone with a bored and sad look, I looked back over to Dustin and saw he was trying to get the attention of a stupid girl named Stacy, he finally got her attention and asked her to dance, she looked at him with disgust and disagreed, I glared at the girl, what a bitch! Who the hell would reject someone as adorable as him?! Ugh! I wish I could just go up there and knock some sense into her, but again, I'm too shy.

He tried walking up to another girl, but her and her dumb friend walked away before he even got to approach them, he walked over to the bleachers and sat down, he looked down and tears were pouring out, I sighed with a sad look, I slowly walked over to him and took a seat very close to him "um, excuse me, Dustin" I said shyly, he looked at me and wiped his eyes "hi Y/n" he said with a smile "you know my name?" I asked with a slight smile "Yeah, we're in almost every class together" he said with a chuckle, I blushed in embarrassment and happiness "a-are you alright?" I asked with concern "Yeah, I'm fine" he said as he looked away "you don't look fine...is it because of her?" I asked as I pointed to Stacy with a frown and he slowly nodded "well, don't worry! If she doesn't like you, than fuck her! But, don't get yourself down! You look amazing and you are amazing! Forget that bitch! Forget Stacy, you have me! So, why don't we dance?" I asked with courage and hope, he looked at me in shock but then smiled with his adorable grin, he nodded and I mentally squealed with excitement, I pulled on his hand lightly and lead him to the dance floor.

(Time Skip)

A few upbeat songs played, but suddenly, a slow song came on, I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around his neck, he wrapped his arms around my waist in response. "Dustin, can I ask you something?" Oh geez "of course!" He said happily "I-I know that y-you don't know me very well, b-but for years I've had a huge crush o-on you, and I u-understand if you don't feel the same b-but I just need to get this off my chest, I-I love y-you, Dustin Henderson" he smiled at me widely "well, you're wrong, I've liked-no, loved you for many years now, I've just never had the courage to say anything to you" he replied, I grinned and kissed his soft lips, this lasted for a few seconds until I pulled away, breathless, "so, does this mean you're my girlfriend?" I answered his question by kissing him again "does that answer your question?" I giggled "hehe, yeah" he said with his adorable laugh. Best. Night. Ever.

The End.

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