Eddie Kaspbrak x Reader: Training Wheels

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No one requested Eddie, but he's my favorite so I'm doing him anyways ❤️
Bold: Lyrics
Italics: Flashbacks

Riding down, riding down, my hand on your seat, the whole way 'round, I carry band-aids on me now, for when your soft hands hit the jagged ground.

"C'mon Eddie, jump" I slightly smiled at the boy, he shook his head and panicked "Y/n, if my mom finds out that I'm down here with two girls and-" "loosen up a bit, she won't know" I rolled my eyes, I outstretched my hand "now, are you gonna join me? Or are you going to let me go alone?" He sighed and shook his head "I swear, I'm the only sensible one in this group" "and that's a good thing, but you still need to have fun!" He shrugged and intertwined our hands "ready?" I asked, he shook his head, I ignored it and pulled him into the Quarry with me, he slightly screamed from the high drop.

As soon as he hit the water he started shivering "it's freezing!" He complained and moved his soaked hair out of his face "just have fun for once in your life!" I giggled and pulled the soaked boy toward me, the rest of the Loser's were having fun and chicken fighting.

I sighed "Ed, if you dislike it that much, we can chill and hang out on the rocks" I suggested, he nodded and hurriedly made it's way out the freezing water.

I handed him a towel I had brought with me and he took it with gratitude "thanks" he sighed and dried himself off "no problem" I smiled at the shorter (or taller) boy.

I shivered and sat next to him on a larger rock, the rest of the Losers soon got tired of splashing around and soon joined us, of course Richie was making inappropriate jokes about my bikini.

Wheels aren't even touching the ground, scared to take them off but they're so worn down, promise I won't push you straight to the dirt, if you promise me you'll take them off, first.

All the boys stared at Beverly's barely clothed body in awe, I rolled my eyes "perverts" I giggled, they all averted their eyes away from the girl when she turned her head.

I leaned against the large rocks and closed my eyes, I blocked out the sound of talking and laughter.

"Don't worry Ed! It'll get better, I swear! You don't need her anyways! She's just-" "but Y/n, she was my first girlfriend" he sobbed into my shoulder and gripped my shirt tightly "I know, but there's other people who care for you, she's just a stupid girl" I whispered and hugged the boy tightly, he sniffled and sobbed as I rubbed his back soothingly "if only you would realize" I whispered to myself and hugged the boy tighter.

I love everything you do, when you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do, wanna ride my bike with you, fully undressed, no training wheels left for you, now I'll pull them off for you.

The boys finished drying them self's off and hurriedly threw their clothes on, they were getting ready to speed off on their bikes toward the sewers.

I sighed, I was very nervous to explore the sewers, mostly because of how many kids had gone missing lately.

The boys rode off and while I was riding, I had gotten a little bit distracted, which caused me to forget to peddle, which caused my bike to stop and fall over.

I slightly screamed as I fell to the ground, I sighed as I observed the cuts and bruises on my knees and elbows "guys!" I screamed out, but no one heard me.

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