Richie Tozier x Reader: Wait Outside...

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Everyone wanted Richie so...

But let's be honest, who doesn't love this little Trashmouth? ❤️

"Richie, stay here" "what me?! What if her dad comes back?!" "Do what you always do! Start talking!" Stan muttered "it is a gift" Richie muttered and shook his head "um, guys, can I stay with him?" I asked as I gripped the handlebars of my bike, Bill nodded and I sighed in relief.

I smiled lightly and sat on the steps of Beverly's apartment, I noticed Richie take a seat beside me, I gripped onto the book in my hands as I looked at the boy out of the corner of my eye.

It was no lie I had a major crush on the foul mouthed boy, everybody in the Loser's Club knew, except for the boy himself.

"What are you reading?" He asked as he eyed the book in my hand, a blush formed onto my face "um, Romeo and Juliet" I muttered as I set the book down next to me, he slightly snorted "nerd" I rolled my eyes "says the boy with the glasses" "fair point" I slightly laughed.

He tilted up his glasses and the two of us were awkwardly silent "this is the first time you haven't said a word in like, five seconds" I giggled, he shrugged.

For a few seconds it was silent until he let out a groan "what the fuck is taking them so long?!" He shouted as he leaned against the metal rails of the steps.

I shrugged "I mean, being with me can't be that bad, it could be worse, you could be stuck out here with Eddie" he shook his head "that isn't what I meant, I like being around you, they're just taking forever" "Richie, it's only been five minutes" I sighed and shook my head, but a small smile made it's way to my face "only five minutes?!" "Well, five minutes and thirty seconds" I muttered as I looked down at my watch, he slightly smirked "who's the nerd now?" "It's still you" he pouted and crossed his arms.

"Damn, it is long" I shook my head "that's what she said" Richie tried to hold in his laughter, I rolled my eyes but giggled, he seemed happy "you're the only one who understands my humor" I smiled "that's because you're funny, we need someone funny to get over all the sadness and depressing stuff in this group" he grinned and bit his lip.

"How long has it been now" Richie asked impatiently "seven minutes and fifteen seconds" "shit!" "Calm down Richie, I'm sure they'll be out in ten minutes" "yeah right, they're all probably in Beverly's room, having a big or-" "don't you even dare finish that sentence" I giggled and lightly punched his arm.

"You're lucky you're cute, Trashmouth" I rolled my eyes "and you're lucky you're hot, Y/n" he jokingly winked "yeah right, that's not true" "yes, it is" he rolled his eyes "so, if I called you gay, then it must be true, right?" I asked and let out a laugh, he shook his head "I'm not gay! We've been over this before!" "Prove it, Richard" I giggled, I knew he hated when people used his actual name.

He sighed and shook his head "I guess you're-" I got interrupted as I felt a soft pair of lips move against my own, my eyes widened and my face turned cherry red.

He pulled away with a small smirk on his face "I guess you are straight" I muttered, he threw his arm around my shoulders "exactly" he winked "so, does this mean-" "yup" he interrupted.

I smiled to myself as the Loser's finally came back "finally! What the hell took you so long?!" Richie yelled out and threw his hands up.

Eddie rolled his eyes and explained the situation that happened in Bev's bathroom.

Richie shook his head and mounted onto his bike "who cares, it seemed you had other things to worry about anyways" Stan rolled his eyes and sighed, Richie glared at him "hey, I wasn't the one imagining the bathroom going all Eddie's mom's vagina on Halloween!" I snorted and tried to hold in my laughter.

"Shut up Richie!" Eddie and Bill spoke "oh yeah, trash the Trashmouth!" I shook my head "you're an idiot, Richie" I sighed but smiled  "and you're beautiful Y/n" he winked.
What a cutie.


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