Why Can't We?

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Captain's POV

Day had turned to an evening when i woke up, an a shearing pain all over my body reminded me of what happened earlier. That man, P'White, had claimed me to be his. And not only once, we ended up doing it more than that.

And that said man is now still laying beside me underneath the same blanket, and hugging me so tight i couldn't breath. As handsome as he is, he's still a liar. He said he will wait until i was ready,but instead he made me do it.

It's hurts like hell. So fucking hurt! He said he loved me, but if this is how he expresses love, i might as well breaking up with him right now. I'm scared of my future with him.

"P', wake up. Wake up, it's almost night time." I shook his body. We're still naked like the day we were born for God's sake!

"Uummhhh..some more...lemme sleep some more." He wrapped me inside his embrace which i objected, i smack his head to wake him up.

"Wake up, i said."

"Auch..why did you do that for?" He woke up instantly.

"Let me go, i'll take a shower." I pulled the bed cover to cover my body from that beast. He chuckled, and eventually laughed at me.

"Why are you so shy? I've seen all of you anyway. Let me help you get up." He said, abandoning the bed sheet and walking naked towards me. I turn my face down, couldn't look at the man who had assaulted me before.

"Hey, let go of the bed sheet, it'll be difficult to carry you with that."

"No thanks. I can help myself."

I tried to get up but a jolt of shearing pain shoot from my backside to my spine, making me fall back to the bed again. P'White grinned from ear to ear looking at me. I threw him a pillow out of frustration.

"Fuck you P'. It's because of you."

"Told you. Come on, don't be shy. I'll carry you. Let me be responsible for this."

Then he pulled the bedsheet from me and carry me, bridal styled. But i saw something on the bed that he was trying to hide. There was crimson dots here and there on that silk white sheet, and i'm almost faint from the sight.

"Is..is..that mine,P'?" I asked him dumbfounded. Somehow in the back of my mind i feel that it's mine.

He nodded, and smile. "You're mine now. No one can lay a finger on White Nawat Phumphotingham's lover."

I smack his head again, anger surfacing in my heart. I've already his. There's no doubt about it. Am i sorry for what we did? I don't know. All i know is i love him so much that i let him do that.
We didn't go anywhere that night, and there are many reasons for that. First reason was our spare time was so limited, the day after tomorrow we will have to be back to our routine so we have to make every second counted. Second is young master White here has a giant appetite for love that i can't even go to the balcony alone. He followed me like a puppy anywhere i go! And that lead to another problem that is my severe and constant backside pain, which make me unable to go anywhere without him assisting me. So this is what a honey moon feels like. I regretted that day when i let him abducted me from that fashion show😭.

"I'll end up cripple if you continue attacking me like this, P'." I said grumpily.

He laughed. "Better, so you can leave your job to live in my house as a daughter in law. Ma would love to accept you."

I throw him a chopstick. He'll always be a prankster , nothing's change. No matter how our surrounding change, he stays the same. That's why i like him in the first place. For everybody else, he seems like a kind young master, spoiled rotten with regal aura surrounds him. But to me he's just..well he's just him. Dickhead. Jerk. Asshole. My dearest mushroom head. The Mafia.

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