Hopeful Hearts

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White's POV

There was nothing that i wish for, not in this point, than to take him away and live just the two of us, in a far corner of this world. I didn't see him but i can feel him trembling from fear. His Ma caught us red handed kissing each other passionately, what would you think she feels?

I was still down on the floor, when Captain joined me too, we did the same wai to his mother trying to get her forgiveness and blessing. He was crying intensely, sobbing uncontrollably beside me.

There was a moment of silent, a moment of contemplating, a moment of truth. His Ma walked closer to us and kneeling before us, lift my face to meet her tear streaked face.

"What have you done to my son, White? i thought you were his good friend, a good friend won't drag his friend to a misery. You that Captain will go to hell if you do something like this."

Captain's cries got even louder, "Ma, please, i know we have sinned. But isn't He forgiving? We only love each other, and it's not only P'White's faults. I love him, Ma. I love him so much, please don't separate us. Please Ma.."

He was clutching at his Ma's feet, trying to persuade her. What he said give me an extra courage, he had said what he felt from deep inside his heart. He love me. He love me. A smile blossoming in my face. It was as if Captain said that infront of anyone in this earth, and i was immersedly happy by his feeling.

His Ma lets go of her legs, and started to sob softly. Her voice steady and unforgiving when she said her words.

"Get out of this house. You are old enough to make a decision and it's not something i can agreed upon. Our families can't agree upon this. So get out before your dad finds out and your sister finds out. Don't let me see you in this house again."

"Ma...." Captain's cry was so sad and lonely, i just had to hold him and console him.

"And White, take responsible for what you've done. You've separate me from my own son, now be responsible and take care of him." She looked at me with a cold eyes, and walked away from us. No. This is not anyone's fault. Our love is not at fault either. I'll show her that we can make it. We're both can make it.

"Khun Mae, i'll prove to you that we can make it together. Don't worry, i'll take care of him the way you have been. Thank you, Khun Mae, for bringing this amazing man into this world. We'll come again when we are already settled to ask for your forgiveness...."

In between his sobs, i took him to his room to collect his belongings and to bid his room farewell. From now on, there will only be us. We'll be brave, we'll face it together, and we'll win.

His Ma was already gone when we done packing, so i pushed him into my car and drove him to my house. We need some preparation. He needs me now more than ever, he's at the bottom of his despair.

We unload his belonging to my room while he was still crying and sobbing, and we did it in silence. His shirt was soaked in tears, and his body shiver like a leaf.

After we finished, he sat on the corner of my bed and hung his head low. His face was red, his eyes was swollen, his nose was puffy like a clown's nose, but i still found him adorable.

I kneeled before him and cupped his face between my hands. "Would you like to rest now, Captain? I'll cancel all your appointment for you."

He hugged me tight, and said in a broken voice. "I've lost my family, P'. What should i do now? I'm by myself, i'm alone..."

It broke my heart seeing him like that. Nothing else that i want to do but to make him happy, and now i feel like the root of his misery.

"What do you want to do now Captain? the decision is yours. If you decided to end our relationship, i will understand. You and i will still be a good friend. Although i will hurt so much, but at least your Ma won't be mad at you anymore. But bae, if you still want to continue, trust me that we will face many challenges in the future, we will bleed, we will cry, most of the time we will want to surrender, but i, this love of yours, will stand by you forever. No matter how lonely we are, but there will always be us. So tell me now, Captain, it's still not too late to make a choice."

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