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Alexander's POV 

I sat there with Maria as we sipped our tea. 

"It was very thoughtful of you to help me Alexander," Maria said. 

"No Maria, I want to help you I just can't say the same for my wife," I said. She laughed. 

"It's just hard you know, I just loved him so much and-" Her sentence was cut off by tears. 

"Shhhh, It's okay Maria," I said holding her closer. 

"I loved him Alexander and know he's gone," She sobbed. Eliza walked in with the tea kettle. She poured some more and gave Maria a look. 

"I know how it feel's to lose someone you love," I said. 

"You understand how it feel's to lose a family member. You still have Eliza so you don't understand how it feels to lose someone you love romantically," She said. I made sure Eliza was out of the room. 

"When John Laurence died it did almost feel like I loved him. As a friend of course, but he was suppose to be Philip's godfather," I began to tear up, but I couldn't. Maria needed me. Her hand found mine, but she quickly pulled away. 

"I-I'm sorry, I just-" I cut her off with a hug. 

"It's okay," I said. I looked at her black dress. 

"You know Maria black isn't a good color for you," I said. She looked insulted, but then I said, "It takes away from your beauty." She blushed. 

Eliza's POV 

I couldn't stand to see Alexander with another women. He was MINE, didn't she know that. I huffed as I walked up stairs to check on the children. Philip and Angelica were playing together nicely. I smiled. I heard laughing from downstairs. That stupid Reynolds girl. SHE WAS GOING TO TAKE MY HUSBAND AWAY FROM ME I JUST KNOW IT!!! SHE IS SO BEAUTIFUL HOW CAN HE AT LEAST WANTS TO KISS HER EVEN IF HE IS LOYAL!!!! I need to calm down. The truth was Alexander and I had gotten into some arguments recently because of his work. I would yell at him saying he was lost in his work and didn't care about his family. 

~Flashback to the night before James Reynolds died~ 

Alexander came home mumbling something to himself. It was eleven o'clock. 

"Alexander," I called as I walked down the stairs. I could hear him curse under his breath.  

"E-Eliza it's eleven o'clock, you should be in bed," He said. 

"I could say the same for you," I said, "WHERE WERE YOU! WERE YOU OFF WITH SOME OTHER YOUNGER WOMEN!" I practically screamed. 

"Shhhhhh, Eliza you'll wake up the children," He said putting a finger to my lips. I pushed him away. My eyes narrowed. 


"Work, Jefferson was well, being Jefferson," I crossed my arms over my chest. 

"Yeah, that's the truth my Eliza,"  He said. 

"You would think Jefferson would have something better too do," I said. I ran up the stairs, crying. Alexander grabbed my hand. 

"Eliza please. I love you and I don't like to fight. You are the only women I could ever love," He said. I slapped him clear across the face. He screamed. 

"You can sleep in your office," I said running to my room and crying. 

~Back to current setting~ 

I had never said sorry for hitting Alexander. I would do that know, but he was talking to Maria. Maybe I just had to trust him, even if I didn't trust myself. 

(A/N) I really hope you guys like this. Please comment if you do. This fanfiction I won't update as much as another one I'm writing which is a Philedosia fanfic. (I would love if you would check it out even though you probably hate writers promoting there other stories,) but I would love if you would check that out and comment telling me what you think. 

---- Elegant Panda Ninja 🐱‍👤

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