Heart Break

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Alexander's POV 

I rushed inside the burning building, all I could think was I'm coming Eliza. I kept calling her name, looking everywhere. Then finally... "Alexander." I rushed into the dinning room, Eliza was stuck under the dinning room table which must of tipped over. She had inhaled a lot of smoke. Her voice was shaking. I dragged Eliza out from under the table. I picked her up bridal style and began to carry her out of the house. 

"B-b-but Papa," She said. Parts of the roof began to fall. Eliza screamed. 

"It's okay Eliza," I said finally seeing the door. I rushed out of the house and placed Eliza on the ground. She was coughing a lot. 

"A-A-A-Alexander," She said. The children came over.

"Yes Eliza," I said. 

"Take care of the children. I love them so much. Phillip you make me smiled every day. You are such a gentleman. Angie you are so creative. Never let a man boss you around," She said, her voice shaking. Angelica and Peggy walked over. 

"Angelica you are the bravest person I know. Keep standing up for the rights of women, I know you can do it. Don't let anything stand in your way. Peggy you are so silly. Don't let anyone tell you other wise," Eliza said. I began to tear up. 

"And my Alexander, my one and only love. You are the smartest person I know. I know you can get your plan through to congress, I know you can kick Jefferson in the ass. Keep doing what your doing and," She pulled my ear to her mouth, "You have my blessing to marry Maria." I began to cry. 

"Why do you think I would marry Maria?" I asked. 

"I know you two love each other take care of the children Alexander," She said.  

"No Eliza, don't give up on me please," I said tears steaming up in my eyes. She kissed my lips and said, "Goodbye Alexander Hamilton, it was lovely knowing you." And with that her body fell limp. Her eyes closed. Her heart stopped beating. 

"ELIZA!" I screamed. I broke out into tears. So did everyone else. The smoke cleared. The house was no more. Both Mr. Schuyler and Mrs. Schuyler were dead. I had lost my wife and if I hadn't been so stuck up I could of saved them.  

A/N Thanks for reading. It is getting really sad I know, but please comment down below thanks. Also sorry this is short.

---Elegant Panda Ninja 🐱‍👤 

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