The Letter Arives

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~John Church's POV~ 

I woke up early in the morning to the sound of pots clanging, it was our maid Sara. I got out of bed to see her bent over, she had a beautiful ass. God I'd love to have sex with her since Angelica refuses to have sex with me. 

"SARA!" I yelled. She turned around. She was only 17. 

"Y-Y-yes Master Church," she said. I walked over to her, she looked scared. 

"That's the third time this week I've told you to keep it down," I said looking her in the eye. 

"I-I-I'm sorry Master," She said. 

"I may have to fire you, unless we can come to some over arrangment?" I said wrapping my arm around her waist. 

"Sir-! This is-is inaproprite!" 

"Why? Angelica isn't here," I said. She pulled away. 

"Speaking of Angelica a letter from her arrived this morning. (A/N This is a two week time skip so the letter would have arrived.) I smiled. God I love my Angelica, even if she doesn't have sex with me that often, I'll get what I want sooner or later. She handed me a letter. I ripped open the envelope and shocked by what I saw.  

My dearest John,

I'm sorry to say, but I can not be with you any longer. You abuse me physically and mentally. I don't like London, and if you are ever to discuss our diffrences I'll be in Albany. I am ready to hire a lawyer if need be. I can't deal with you anymore. I cry myself to sleep half the time. At one point I did love you, but that was only for a split second. So when you want to talk this out like adults come to Albany to my grandparents house.

Angelica Schuyler.

I looked at the letter. Sara read it with me. I screamed. 

"HOW COULD SHE DO THIS TO ME!" I yelled, "A DIVORCE! SARA PACK MINE AND PHILIP'S BAG, WE NEED TO LEAVE!" Sara quickkly rushed up the stairs. I sat in my chair. I saw Philip. 

"Hey buddy," I said putting down the letter. Philip quickly ran and picked up the letter. 

"I knew it," He said.  

"Get your dirty little hands off of that!" I said. 

"Mom finally used her brain, filing for divorce, smart move," he said with a smirk. 

"Your taking her side!" I yelled. 

"Yeah you abuse her," he said. 

"I do not," I said. 

"Then explain her yelling "JOHN STOP, I DON'T WANT TO HAVE ANOTHER KID, NO STOP PLEASE!"" He looked at me. I smacked him across the face. 


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