Lil Susan

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~ Alexander's POV~
I heard Susan's shrill screams. I grabbed my glasses, climbing out of bed. Maria needed rest. I walked into the nursery to see Philip rocking Susan in his arms.
"Un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf dix," He sang. Susan was smiling. It was seven am, what was Philip doing up?
"Philip what are you doing awake?" I asked. He looked up at me.
"Hi pops I heard her screaming so I came to calm her down. Angie and I were thinking Meg for a name, what do you think?" He asked. Boy was he responsible.
"Pip, as much as I appreciate the name, Mom and I have chosen the name Susan," I said taking Susan from his arms. I put Susan in her crib, beginning to walk downstairs to make breakfast.
"Pops wait!" Philip called out.
"Yes?" I asked turning around.
"Why did her mom abandoned her? When I'm a dad I will never leave my kids on someone's doorstep," he said. I smiled.
"Whoever left her said that they didn't have enough money to keep her alive and she may have died if she stayed in her moms care. At least she's in our care and will get a good education," I responded kissing the top of his head. Philip smiled, "now go back to sleep or go in my office and study." Philip began to walk downstairs to my office and responded "yes Pops."

I walked into the kitchen beginning to making eggs and bacon, which we did have yesterday, but hey! They taste good and it's one of the only things I can cook.
"Good morning!" I voice called cheerfully. It was Maria in a blue lace nightgown and robe. She was showing a bit.
"Good morning darling, Philip is very responsible he was singing to Susan when I walked into the nursery," I said. Maria smiled.

"He is responsible, he must get it from Eliza," she said snickering. I playfully slapped her arm.

"HEY" I said.

"Let me do the cooking darling," she said, grabbing the frying pan from my hand. I sighed, going upstairs to get dressed. I put on clothes and went downstairs to eat. I quickly peaked in my office to find Philip asleep in my chair. I smiled before walking into the dinning room. Maria and I began to eat when there was a knock at the door. I got up to find George Washington at the door.

"President Washington, what are you doing here?" I asked. Maria came to the door as well, holding her stomach.

"May I come in?" He asked.

"Of course," I said, moving away from the door.

"Would you like some tea?" Maria asked.

"No thank you, but I need to talk to you both," he said sitting down on the couch. Maria and I sat down across from him.

"What's wrong?" Maria asked.

"It's about Susan," he said.

"What about her?" I asked.

"Do you know who her mother is?" Maria asked.

"Yes," George said, glumly.

"Why do you act so glum?" Maria asked.

"She's mine," he said. Both me and Maria's jaws fell to the floor.

"Holy shit, you're lying!" I exclamied.

"I'm afraid not," he said.

"You have some explaining to do," Maria said.

"I know I do, It all started June of last year. Martha's sister had just came back from France with a young French girl willing to work for money, her name was Audette and she had just turned 16. Martha's sister thought we could be very helpful to Audette and we could get her out of poverty, so we took her in. I soon discovered I was having feelings for her. I started, sleeping with her. In September she discovered she was one month pregnant with my child. Of course I flipped. I had a wife, I had kids, this would ruin me. When Martha found out she was pregnant I told her that Audette had snuck out one night and hooked up with some man in a bar. It was easy to belive because on some nights when Audette had done good work, I let her roam the streets on New York City. She speaks English okay, but can't write it. Martha and I decided to send her to a Catholic Church where you could become a nun. Audette is very religous so we sent her off. I thought this was also good because I'd never see her again. The thing was in Febuary she broke out of the convent because she didn't want to live like those nuns. She wanted to get married and have kids. She came back to my house here in New York, Martha was out for the night. I gave her food, water, and enough money to get her through the spring. I guess she was mad I wouldn't let her stay with me. She yelled and screamed at me saying how she hated me and there were so many young men in France who would be begging for them to be her's, but she was convinced to come across the ocean. I was scared so I knocked her out. I didn't mean to, it just happened. I took her back to the convent, leaving her a note telling her where she could go find Lafayette and where to find you Alexander-" I cut him off,

"Why me!"

"Because you're a good man and would help her find someplace to go, maybe even hire her. I guess she thought I was telling her that Lafayette would marry her. Two days later Lafayette came to me, ver angry asking me why some French women said that you hooked us up. Peggy wasn't to pleased either. The convent said she was to wild and wouldn't make a great nun. They said they'd help her til she had the baby, put it in the orphange which is run by the convent and then help her find a job. Audette wasn't to pleased they were going to take her baby away, but when she tried to run away, the nuns threated her to send her and the baby to an orphanage. Fast forward to three weeks ago, I get a letter from the convent saying that Audette had givin birth to a healthy baby girl she would be naming Cherrylyn. Please don't change her name she's yours and honestly, I like Susan better. Anyways, I guess after three weeks they said they were going to give Susan up for adoption so Audette and Susan ran off. I guess she still had your address and wrote you the letter, leaving her here. I don't wanna take her from you, all I ask is that I see her, for once in my life," George said, exahusted. I was shocked.

Maria walked up stairs the retrieve Susan. She came downstairs a minute later, holding Susan. She opened her eyes. George grabbed her from Maria. He had tears in his eyes.

"I love you Susan, I'll come visit and send you gifts on your birthday, I promise. Don't forget me," he was almost bawling. He held her for a good 10 minutes, singing softly. He handed Susan back to Maria.

"Take good care of her, and I almost forgot," he dug into his pockets only to find a necklace with a wooden lark attached to it, "give her this when's she old enough to wear it. It's a present from her dad." And with that he walked out of the house. I flipped the the necklace over. It was engraved, it said "to my dearest princess, from daddy."

"I didn't expect that," Maria said.

"Well at least we know who her father is," I said.

A/N over 1,000 words, good job me. I hope you liked this chapter as much as I did writing it. I just wanted to say that within the first day or so of me publishing a chapter, there will be a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes. I do have a reading disorder so I make mistakes a lot and lets say a day later I go to look at it, I realese all the mistakes, so don't yell at me please for mistakes. Anyways hope you enjoyed.

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