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~Angelica's POV~

I sat on the boat to London thinking of all the bad I've done. I hurt Alexander, someone I love deeply. When him and Maria first started dating, I just thought I was to get his head out of the clouds, but when he asked that slut to marry her, I lost all shit. I loved Alexander ever since the moment I met him, since I was the oldest I couldn't marry some poor, soul like him. So I courted John Church, someone who I wasn't to fond of. My sins are to grand to count, but I've lost count. I began to cry. I wasn't happy and I haven't been for decades. I wasn't happy with John, in London, or with anything. John wasn't what you would call a "good husband" he physically abused me whenever I refused to have sex with him, and considering he was a sex addict, that was about three times a week. I was supprised we only had one child, Philip. As much as I loved him he was better off with John, but what if he abused him? What if John hurt Philip if I ran away? He couldn't. Philip was his pride and joy. He loved Philip so much. I went down to my writting desk.

My dearest John,

I'm sorry to say, but I can not be with you any longer. You abuse me physically and mentally. I don't like London, and if you are ever to discuss our diffrences I'll be in Albany. I am ready to hire a lawyer if need be. I can't deal with you anymore. I cry myself to sleep half the time. At one point I did love you, but that was only for a split second. So when you want to talk this out like adults come to Albany to my grandparents house.

Angelica Schuyler.

It felt good to not write Angelica Schuyler Church. I decide I might as well write a quick letter to Alexander. The boat had only left the harbor an hour ago. I rushed up to the captain.

"CAPTAIN!" I yelled. He turned around. Anyone who was anyone knew not to mess with me, and if I asked for the ship to be turned around, the ship was turned around. The captain turned around.

"Mrs. Church what can I do for you?" He asked kissing my hand.

"Turn the ship around," I said.

"Mrs. Church I'm not sure I can do that," he said. I pulled out $100. I handed it to him.

"I'll turn the ship aroud," he said.

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