Baby on the Doorstep

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~Maria's POV~ 

It was 2 am. Who the Hell was pounding on the door? I saw Alexander toss and turn. You should NEVER wake up a pregnant woman at 2 am. I shaked him awake. 

"Alexander, someones at the door," I said. 

"Who's here at 2 am?" He asked, reaching for his glasses. 

"I have no clue," I said, pulling on my bathrobe. Alexander and I walked down the stairs. It was pouring. Lightning crashed threw the sky. Alexander jumped up in fear. I grabbed his arm as I opened the door. There was no one there. I looked around. At my feet was a small basket, a small bundle wrapped inside. I picked up the basket, and shut the door. 

"What the Hell is this?" Alexander asked. 

"I have no clue," I said. I set the basket down and unwrapped the bundle. It was a baby. A small baby, malnourished, and cold. 

"Why the fuck is there a baby here?" Alexander exclaimed. 

"I don't know maybe read this note!" I whispere yelled, handing Alexander a folded up piece of paper. He opened it and read it aloud. 

"Chers gens qui possèdent cette maison,

Je suis désolé de vous déranger avec le fardeau de mon bébé, mais vous voyez que je ne peux pas prendre soin d'elle. Si elle devait rester sous mes soins, elle mourrait. Elle a trois semaines et est née le 10 avril. J'espère que ma fille n'est pas un fardeau pour vous, mais puisque vous possédez une si belle maison, j'espère que vous seriez assez gentil pour aider une pauvre femme comme moi. N'essayez pas de chercher un certificat de naissance, vous n'en trouverez pas. Je ne lui ai pas donné de nom, donc je ne serais pas attaché.

Merci mes bons messieurs et madame." 

"What does that mean?!" I asked, looking at the poor baby. 

"The translation is.... Dear people who own this house,

I am sorry to disturb you with the burden of my baby, but you see I can not take care of her. If she were to remain in my care she would die. She is three weeks old born April 10th. I hope my daughter is not a burden on you, but since you own such a nice house, I hope you'd be nice enough to help a poor woman like me. Don't try to look for a birth certificate, you won't find one. I didn't give her a name so I wouldn't get attached.

Thank you good sirs and madams." I picked up the baby, rocking it in my arms. 

"Should we keep her?" Alexander asked. 

"Of course!" I said. 

"But we already have a baby on the way, we could just give her to an orphanage." 

"Alexander Hamilton, you are an orphan, you know how hard it is to find a home and get a good education. Besides it would be nice for our baby to have someone else play with in their age range. You also love kids Alexander," I said. The baby began to cry. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a small glass bottle of milk. I slowly began to feed the baby. Her cries for help stopped. She was so cute, I don't understand why anyone, even if you didn't have the money, would give her up. She was so cute. Alex smiled. 

"I guess we could keep her, she'll need a name though," He stated, "Tomorrow we should also take her to a doctor. I'll also have to write Washington, Angelica, Peggy, and of course tell the newspaper because they'll care." I smiled. That's when Philip and Angie appeared. 

"Mama, where'd the baby come from?" Angie asked. 

"Someone left her on the doorstep and wanted us to take care of her," I said, kissing her head, "now please you two go back to bed, mommy and daddy have things to discuss." They climbed up the stairs. 

"We should name her Susan!" I said happily. Alexander looked at me and said, "that's a beautiful name. Welcome to the family Susan Hamilton." He took her from my arms and began to sing a lullaby, "I may not live to see our glory, but I will gladly join the fight, and when our children tell our stories, they'll tell the story of tonight. Raise a glass to freedom, something they can never take away, no matter what they tell you. Raise a glass to the three of us, tomorrow they'll be more of us, telling the story of tonight." Susan fell asleep in his arms. Alexander walked up to me, kissing the top of my head. 

"Go to bed darling you need your sleep, you're pregnant. I'll put her to bed a write Washington saying I'm unable to go to this weeks cabinet meetings. Can you write Angelica and Peggy in the morning?" He asked, kissing me on the lips this time. 

"Of course," I said walking up to bed. 

~Alexander's POV~ 

I walked up the stairs behind Maria, walking into the nursury. I lay Susan down. She was so cute. I'm glad she was left at our doorstep. 

"Goodnight Susan, I hope you like it here," I said, walking to my office. I wrote a quick letter to Washington explaining why I could not attend this weeks cabinet meetings. I walked into the pouring rain, put the letter in the mailbox, and went to bed. 

A/N Two updates in one week, WHOOP! Y'all really wanted Susan, so I have added Susan. I know she's not technically there biological child, but I really wanted to add her and I've always been fasinated with children being left on doorsteps. I hope you enjoyed!

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