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Alexander's POV

Today was Phillip's tenth birthday. He was so excited. Maria kept helping him with something, I didn't know what this something was, but I'm postitive it most be fun. Then there was a small knock at the door. I opened the door to find George Washington in all his glory.

"George," I said, "Can this wait it's Phillip's birthday."

"Yes, I'm aware. I heard the little man will be turning ten." I nodded and let him in. George held a small wrapped box most likely for Philip. 

"Philip get down here please!" I yelled. 

"Just a minute!" Maria called. They came down the stairs holding a piece of paper. Philip smiled when he saw Washingto. 

"Hello Mr. President, sir," He said. Washington chuckled. 

"Ha Philip you're to cute," He handed Philip the wrapped little box. Philip ripped open the box with his little gap tooth smile. Inside was a book of poetry. Philip smiled so brightly. 

"Thank you Mr. President, sir!" He was so giddy. 

"Philip, don't you want to show them something," Maria said putting her hand on his shoulder. 

"Y-Y-Yes," He said pulling out a piece of paper. 

"My eyes see it, yet I don't belive, a dead body so chrisp and dry that she, a brave educated women has passed on the live with our Heavnly Father. Her kind soul will never be gone, her beauty never forgotten. My friend, my mother, my giver of life, may you be here forever in our life." There was a moment of silence before we clapped. 

"That was beautiful Philip," I said. There was a knock on the door. It was Peggy and Laf holding a large book of Shakespere.

A/N I know this is really short, but since today is actually Philip's B-day I had to pump this out. I don't expect you to like it, but if I don't have to much homework there will be a drama filled one tomorow. 

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