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~Maria's POV~ 

I woke up at three am to, sobbing. I turned to see Alexander, sitting at the edge of the bed. There was a thunderstorm outside and I knew about his fear. I sat up and began to rub his back. 

"Shhhh it's okay Alex," I sat, nuzzling my head into the crock of his neck. I also ran my fingers through his hair. 

"In the eye of a hurricane there is quiet, for just a moment, the yellow sky," he sang. He had a beautiful voice, even when sobbing. 

"Shhhhh Alex, it will go away soon, just count to calm down, remember?" 

"Un deux quatre cinq six sept huit neuf," he said, "M-M-Maria?" 

"Yes Alexander?" 

"I-I-I wanna go out in the storm, face my fear," he said. 

"Are you sure Alexander?" 

"Yes," we began to walk downstairs to grab our rain coats. I slowly opened the door. He took his hand and slowly began to lead him out the door. I could see the fear rising in his eyes. 

"Alexander you don't have to do this," I said walking into the rain. 

 He slowly walked out letting the rain poor down on him. I could see him trying not to cry as he began to mumble "Un deux quatre cinq six sept huit neuf." His hair wasn't as greasy with water in it. I walked up to him and kissed him to calm him down. He kissed back. I pulled away. 

"See look this water isn't dangerous, this water likes you and isn't going to start a hurricane. See look this water helps grow plants," I said. He smiled. He stepped further out into the rain. He grabbed my hand. He ran his hands through my hair. 

"You're hair is beautiful when it's wet." This made me blush. Then a roll of thunder went through the sky followed by a burst of lighting. Alexander jumped up and feel in the mud. I quickly helped him up and pulled him inside. 

We went back to our bederoom and I grabbed some other clothes for him and helped him put them on. 

"You did so well," I said wrapping my arms around his waist. He smiled. 

"Maria I love you so much, thank you for everything you do for me," This made me blush. He kisssed me slowly and kept kissing me.  I pulled away and tucked him into bed. 

"You don't have to do that, Maria, I'm not three," He mumbled half asleep. 

"I love you," I said. 

"I love you too Maria." 

~Alexander's POV~ 

I love Maria so fucking much. I couldn't sleep. A bit because of the storm, but I was watching Maria sleep, and NOT in a creepy way. Then she said something in her sleep. 


"Yes baby girl?" I asked even though she was asleep. 

"Don't leave me." 

"I will never do that baby girl." 

~The next morning~ 

The next morning I woke up to Maria snuggling up against me. Her arms were wrapped around my waist, her head nuzzled inbetween my neck and shoulder. I sat up slowly waking her up. 

"Maria," I said. 

"Yes Alexander?" She asked. 

"I will never leave you," I said. 

"What do you mean? Why would you need to tell me that?" She asked. 

"Last night you said that in your sleep," she blushed when I said that. 

"Don't blush baby girl," I said. I kissed her. Then Philip and Angie appeared. 

"Ewwwwwwwwww kissing!" Philip said. This made me and Maria giggled. I was the luckiest man in the world. I have a lovley fiance and the best childeren. 

A/N I hope you like this, I know it's short and I'm sorry I haven't updated in a week, but I hope you like this.  

---Elegant Panda Ninja

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