The Wrath of Angelica

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~Week time skip~ 

Alexander's POV 

I was in the office writing when Maria came in holding the news paper. She flung it at my head. 

"Ouch," I said with a laugh. She cracked a smile. Maria sat on my desk. 

"They finally printed the story," She said. I glanced it over. It read... 

Alexander Hamilton set to remarry. 

Alexander Hamilton the Secretary of the Treasury is going to remarry a women named Maria Reynolds. Maria Reynolds, widowed is the former wife of a friend of Hamilton's. As most people know, Hamilton's wife Elizabeth Schuyler recently passed away. This brings up the question, were Hamilton and Mrs. Reynolds dating before Eliza's passing. We may never know, but we are waiting to hear the wedding bells.  

"Of course they make it into a conspiracy," Maria said. 

"All that matters is that I have you," I said. She blushed. 

"I love you," She said. 

"I love you more." 

~time skip to later that day~ 

The sun had set and it was snowing. Maria was making dinner. I sat in the parlor, helping Philip with his studies. 

"To be or not to be that is the question," Philip said. 

"Good job buddy," I said scruffing his hair. Then there was a knock at the door. I went to open it to find Angelica. 

"Angelica" I said, trying to hug her, but I was pushed to the ground. I got up. "Are you alright?" 

"WHERE IS SHE!" Angelica yelled. She was dressed in black, her hair in a bun. 

"Where is who?" I asked. 

"OH DON'T BE STUPID! THAT SLUT MARIA WHO YOU ARE MARRYING!" Angelica forced herself into the house. Maria walked into the parlor. 

"Mrs. Church, how lovely to see you," She said. 

"OH DON'T PLAY DUMB YOU SLUT!" Angelica screamed pushing Maria to the ground. I went to her side. 

"Angelica is something wrong?" I asked. 

"IS SOMETHING WRONG!" She yelled, "IS SOMETHING WRONG!? MY SISTER HAS BEEN DEAD FOR LESS THAN TWO MONTHS AND YOU GET REMARRIED TO SOME SLUT! THIS BITCH JUST WANTS YOUR FAME! DON'T YOU REALIZE THAT! IF I WERE YOU I'D KICK HER OUT KNOW!" Maria stood up and looked Angelica straight in the eye and said, "How about instead of bitch, or slut you call me Mrs. Reynolds or Mrs. Hamilton, and I would never just marry Alexander for fame. I was there for him when you were off in London and couldn't even come morn with him. You only came for the funeral and have stayed in New York to collect money for your fathers will. Honestly I love Alexander, and I just think you're jelouse because you love him." I looked Maria in the the eye and then Angelica. Angelica couldn't love me. She was married, but Maria wouldn't just start up drama. Angelica was begining to cry. 

"Alexander I loved you, I always have, but my sister needed you. I will never be satisfied," She wailed. I got mad. 

"So you just can't let me be happy. If you really loved me you would let me marry Maria," I said. 


"Angelica I'm sorry, but I can't help you," I opened the door so Angelica could leave, "And you are offically uninvited to the wedding." Angelica marched out the door with one final thing to say. 


A/N I told you drama was coming. Angelica is pissed. Well I hope you like this part. I'm in a mood where I just want to write and write so expecting two or three upates a day on this story for the next week. 

---Elegant Panda Ninja🐼

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