Angelica's Nightmare

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~Angelica's POV~

When the kids told me they wanted to make breakfast for their parents, I thought it was so cute, but I was so stressed. I have been having really bad nightmares lately. About John. Last night's was especially bad.

~Flashback to Angelica's dream~

I was tied up in a chair, defenceless. I was in my basement, my hands tied behind my back, my legs tied to the legs of the chair and a rope tied to my mouth. Then John appeared, smirking. He began to whip me and rape me. I was screaming, but the words wouldn't come out.

"WHO'S A BAD GIRL!" He kept yelling. Then he brought down Phil and slit his throat.

~End of flashback~

The kids decided to go play in their room once they had delivered the food to their parents. The tears were begining to come out of my eyes. I ran to my room and sobbed. I cried and cried and cried and cried and cried and cried. I was crying so much I didn't hear Maria and Alexander knocking on the door. They burst in.

"Angelica-" Maria said, running over to me, "what's wrong?" She sat on the edge of the bed along with Alexander.

"Nothings wrong," I said in between tears.

"Don't lie Angelica, somethings wrong," Alexander said. I took a deep breath and said...

"I had a dream where John rapped me and then killed Phil," I said, crying more.

"Angelica, that's awful," Maria said holding me close. Then Phil knocked on the door.

"Mom is everything okay?" I asked, slowly walking to my side.

"I'm fine Phil," I said.

"Let's let Angelica and Phil have a moment alone Maria," Alexander said, leading Maria out of the door and closing it.

"Mom something wrong, what are you scared of?" He asked.

"Philip, it's about your father," I said.

"I know, he's a dick. He hurts you, really bad, and there's no excuse for that," he said, smiling which made me smile.

"Don't use that language," I said. He just smiled.

"What would make you feel better?" He asked.

"I wanna talk to Eliza, even though that't impossible," I said. Phil grabbed my land and lead me to my writing desk.

"How about you write her a letter and when we're back in New York City, you can put it on her gravestone," He said, a light smile appearing on his face. He walked out of the room. I picked up my quill and began to write.

My dearest Eliza,

Life has been more than diffucult without you. We are staying as strong as you can without you which is what you would of wanted. Alexander is engaged to Maria, which even though I am not to fond of, I judged Maria to soon. She is a sweet girl who, cares about Alexander in such a way only you did, which is a feat I thought was impossible.

I'm not going to lie to you. I have not been to kind to Alexander since his engagement. I held a sword to his throat. I'm supprised he's even trying to forgive me for the things I called him and Maria. He loves her more than I can possibley say, and his happiness his all that matters right now. They've set a wedding date, the 12th of April.

Philip and Angie are doing splended. Philip has been lost in his poetry. He never sets down his quill. He is his father's son. Angie mostly plays with her dolls, but is fascinated with cooking. I don't known what it is, she just finds that putting a few things in a bowl and cooking it makes something different.

Peggy started dating Marquis de Lafayette, he came to Thomas Jefferson's winter ball which is where Alexander proposed to Maria. Peggy and Lafayette live together.

I also finally decided to divorce John. I was about to go to London, but then I decided not to so I wrote a letter, but then he came to Albany and hit me. Alexander is going to be my lawyer. He's rapped me, abused me, and all that jazz. My nightmares are coming back, which we both only know happen when something bad happens, like when you died, or grandma died.

It's weird to think it's been almost 4 months without you. I miss you, Mom and Dad dearly. Phil is doing fine. He is having a growing intrest in law and hates his father for what he's been doing to me. It's good to know at least one of the Church men as some sense.

Eliza I miss everything about you. Your smile, your attitude, your hugs. Just know we miss you and love you okay.

Your lovely older sister,

Angelica Schuyler.

I looked at the tear stained paper. I slid it in an envelope with one final thought.

"Goodbye Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton."

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