Wedding Part Two

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~Maria's POV~

Finally, I was married to the love of my life. I stood there at the alter motionless. Alexander looked at me, his eyes flooded with tears. He grabbed my hand and we rushed to our reception. It was just across the street, but while we were walking all I could do was smile. Smile because the love of my life was holding my hand, taking care of me. I could feel more tears coming down.
"Shhhhhh," Alex said as we entered the reception hall, "don't cry, I love you." Angelica and Peggy ran up to me, almost tackling me.

"YOU'RE FINALLY MARRIED!" Peggy yelled. I blushed. Lafayette came up behind Peggy taking her arm.

"You two should get married," Alexander said, causing Lafayette to blush. A slow music began to play making everyone move to the outer rim of the room, leaving room room for me and Alex to dance. Alex and I stepped into the center of the room and began to dance. He put one of his hands on my hip and the other of shoulder. We slowly began to move to the tune of the song, smiling my ass off. Seriously my mouth was begining to hurt from smiling. I looked up into Alexander's dark brown hair. His black hair was in a ponytail. His black suit looked beautiful. He was staring at my breasts, but at this moment I didn't care. I was finally married, my parents didn't force this love, nor did anyone. I was sobbing now. People could hear my sobs and I could tell this made Alex worried. Madison had a tear in his eye which almost made me fall on the floor laughing, but I didn't, I had to have composure. When the music stopped, Alex dip kissed me, and I could feel my cheeks heat up as he lead me to the head table. Peggy sat to my left, Angelica next to Peggy, Alexander my right, and Laf and George on Alex's right. George tapped a spoon to his glass.

"Hello everybody, how are ya doing tonight?" He asked the crowd. Everyone clapped. "I'm not here to talk about politics, I'm here to talk about the love between Maria and Alexander. These two may have only been dating since November, but they are madly in love, which I belive most people can relate too. Maria and Alexander met during the war. Now Alex I don't know how you got so lucky to get Maria and can you please tell me your tricks."

Everyone laughed. I smiled holding Alex's hand under the table. "Anyway you two meet in January of 1780, and even though you two were young and both of you already had lovers I knew it'd work out. You were madly in love. I remember the first time I meet Maria. She was with James and she asked "sir why can't I fight in the war?" It made me laugh and smile. A young women wanted to fight for our country, a beautiful young women at that who I wouldn't mind taking a piece out of, if ya know what I mean," George said with a wink.

Both Alexander and Martha were angry at that comment, especially Alex. He wasn't angry, he was fuming. Before George could continue, Alex interupted him, "hey ass hat, don't flirt with my wife, especially when your wife is right there!" He said pointing at Martha. Everyone turned, Thomas gasped and said from his table in the front of the room "did you really just call the president an ass hat?" George looked at Alex and said, "Hey I'm sorry, it was a joke," George said.


Alexander wasn't suppose to tell people that. Early on in our marriage, James raped me a few times, Alex had to talk some sense into him and swore on his life that if James hurt me again, it would he his personal responsibility to kill James. James apoligized a lot, but our marriage was never the same. In the last month of our marriage. He raped me more. I told Alex about when I arrived at his house in November. Alex looked at me, "Maria I didn't mean too-" before he could say anything else I ran out of the reception hall, across the street into the church, to the top of the bell tower.

A/N I AM SORRY FOR THE LACK OF UPDATES! Hi yeah, I'm really sorry for not updating, I've been really busy and life has been busy as well. I felt like I've been making James to nice so now he is a bit worse. Anyway, who has listened to first burn, it's my favorite Hamildrop. LISTEN TO IT IF YOU HAVEN'T IT'S THE FIRST DRAFT OF BURN AND IT'S PREFORMED BY 5 DIFFRENT PEOPLE WHO'VE PLAYED ELIZA! THE LINE "I SEE HOW YOU LOOK AT MY SISTER" GAVE ME CHILLS! Anyways yeah listen, hope you like the chapter.

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