I love you... Maria Reynolds

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Alexander's POV

"I'll be upstate in a week for your father's birthday my dear Eliza," I said gripping her hands. I looked down at my kids, my angels. I picked up Angie and gave her a big hug. 

"Look after your brother for me okay," I said looking Angie in the eye. 

"HEY!" Phillip said. Eliza snickered. 

"And watch after Angie for me Phillip," I said placing down my daughter. I watched them get into the carriage and drive off. 

"I miss them all ready," I said as I walked into the house. Maria had a hot cup of tea. 

"Something strange came in the mail this morning and it was for me," She said. 

"What was it?!" I asked. She handed me over a letter. I read it aloud. 

Dear Ms. Maria Reynolds, 

I would like to apologize for my actions in the park yesterday for they were un-gentleman like. To apologize for my awful actions I would love to take you on a date next Friday to the park. Please tell me if you would like to come, for you are the most beautiful thing I have laid eyes on and I need you in my life. 

Your future husband, 

Thomas Jefferson. 

Maria and I burst out laughing. 

"Thomas has the largest ego of any one man I have met," Maria kept laughing. 

"Shall I should I write him back?" Maria asked. 


"Alexander, I know you hate Jefferson I just-" I cut Maria off. 

"Maria, you are beautiful and to think that Jefferson would even try in touch you in.. certain places makes me gag. He's only doing it to get to me and your husband died two days ago okay. I just don't trust him," I said. I don't know how the words just slid out of my mouth, "And I love you Maria. Maria I love you and I have since I first saw you and I know I'm with Eliza, but you are to beautiful," I started crying. Then I blacked out. 

Maria's POV 

I saw Alexander fall on the floor. I ran over to his side. 

"Alex, ALEXANDER!" I called, "Please wake up." Then there was a knock at the door. Great just my luck. The door swung open and there stood Jefferson. 

"M-M-Ms. Reynolds what's going on?" He asked. 

"I don't know he just passed out," I said. Jefferson came to my side and put his fingers to Alexander's wrist to take his pulse. He smelled Alexander's hands. 

"What are you doing? I asked. 

"Flat out drunk he should be up in a few hours," Jefferson said as he placed Alexander on the couch. 

"Now I came over to ask if you got my letter?" Jefferson said. 

"I did and I would like to decline," I said. Jefferson pushed me up against a wall. 

"Why don't you want more of this," He said. I tried to push him off, but he wouldn't budge. 

"No and get off me," I said. His lips were centimeters away from mine. 

"Oh let's have some fun. Alexander's asleep, a morning of passion would be nice," Jefferson said. His lips pressed into mine forcing me to kiss him back. 

"Off Jefferson," I said. I felt a hand reach up my dress. 

"Come on have a little fun," He said. His hand was around my thigh. 

"I said OFF!" I screamed. 

"Oh, but you're so beautiful," He said grabbing my garter. 

"You heard her Jefferson off," A voice said. It was Alexander. 

"Oh I didn't realize you were awake," Jefferson said pulling away. 

"Yeah I am so.. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE AND AWAY FROM MY FRIEND" Alexander screamed. Jefferson ran out of the house. 

"Are you okay?" Alexander asked. 

"I-I'm fine, but I thought you were drunk," I said. 

"No I've been sober all week. Jefferson just lied to you so he could try and touch you in certain places. I just was really tired and feel over and feel asleep," He said. I chuckled. 

"Do you wanna go on a walk tonight?" He asked. 

"Of course yeah," I said. 

"Alright," Alexander said. 

~Time skip to the evening~  

Alexander's POV 

Maria had finally changed out of her all black into her regular red dress. She was so beautiful. I had remembered what I had said earlier about me... being in love with her. It was true, I could deny the feelings I had for her, but I was married. I knew Maria would ask me about what I said. I had to lie one way or another. But I couldn't. For all of that afternoon I tried to wrap my head about lying to Maria, but when I saw her in that dress smiling for the first time in days she deserves to know the truth even if it makes her unhappy. Even I need to hear the truth come out of my mouth. James always knew I liked Maria. We had became close when James went missing in the army one cold January. It was scary for both of us. I watched Maria come down the stairs and I kissed her hand. 

"Are you ready to depart Mrs. Reynolds?" I asked. She chuckled. 

"Of course, Mr. Hamilton," We began our walk in the park. The sun had mostly set, but a few shimmers of light came from behind the trees. Maria and I laughed, we were alone for the first time in years. This made my heart want to beat out of the chest. 

"Alexander," Maria said a hint of worry in her voice. Oh boy here it comes. 

"Yes my dear Maria," I said. 

"Today you said you loved me, right before you passed out, is this true. Please don't lie to me I've already been lied to so many times in my life," She looked at me with pleading puppy dog eyes. Her eyes alone could melt away any winter. I took her hands in mine. 

"Maria I love you has a friend I always have. But for the longest time I have wanted more from us, from this friendship. And I know James just passed and I'm still married, but-" I was cut off by something silk like meeting my lips. It was Maria's lips. They were like silk. Soon enough my hands found her waist and her hands found my hair and scalp. She clawed through it. After about five minutes I picked her up bridal style. I walked down a longer path that we wouldn't be seen on. Maria kept on giggling. 

"Alexander you are such a flirt," She kept saying. She didn't know my full intentions. When we got to the house I threw her on my bed. I began to kiss her. She know knew my intentions. 

"Alexander we can't. You're married," She said in between kisses. 

"It's okay," I said. I kissed her deeper. 

"I love you Alexander Hamilton," She said. 

"I love you... Maria Reynolds." 

(A/N) Hope you guys like this. Next chapter will most likely be smut, if you guys want that. And if you do comment below saying if you want smut. Also Jefferson is a jerk right, I mean come on he almost hurt Maria. I wonder how this will play out in the future? If you guys have any predictions or if you guys want smut please comment. 

----Elegant Panda Ninja 🐱‍👤

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